Харизматична людина. Іван Дорн презентация

Childhood Ivan Dorn was born October 17, 1988 in Chelyabinsk. Ivan active in sports, he won many sports titles, "Master of Sports (Sailing)," "The candidate for the master of sports ballroom

Слайд 1Презентація на тему харизматична людина

Слайд 2Childhood
Ivan Dorn was born October 17, 1988 in Chelyabinsk. Ivan active in

sports, he won many sports titles, "Master of Sports (Sailing)," "The candidate for the master of sports ballroom dances", 2nd rank in swimming, 3rd adult athletics. Ivan is also involved in tennis, chess and football

Слайд 3Beginning of musical career
Ivan Dorn received his musical education in piano,

became the winner and the winner of numerous music competitions, among which: the Moscow competition "Light Your Star" - 1 st place, the "Pearl of the Crimea" - Audience Award; "Black Sea Games": 2001 - won the 3rd prize, 2005 - took the 2nd prize; "Jurmala 2008"

Слайд 4Higher Education Ivan Dorn
After completing secondary school in 2006 Ivan entered

the National University of Theatre, Film and TV in Kiev. Despite the fairly large competition, a young man passed the entrance exams and became a first-year student of the Faculty of cinema.

Слайд 5Reviews
Oleg Sobolev in May called Dorn "the world's best performer of

Russian-speaking mass of Pop" who "makes the most adequate global trends, the most memorable and the most catchy pop songs in Russian," .

Слайд 6Since 2013, married classmate Anastasia Novikova. Daughter Vasilisa (b. June 2014).

In 2015 a son was born.

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