Emily Greene Balch (1867-1961) презентация

In 1889 Emily Greene graduated from Bryn Mawr College. Education She studied at Harvard University. Completed her education in 1896 at the University of Berlin. She

Слайд 1
Emily Greene Balch
(1867 – 1961)
A fighter for peace and freedom.

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In 1889 Emily Greene graduated from Bryn Mawr College.

She studied at

Harvard University. Completed her education in 1896 at the University of Berlin.

She also studied at the Sorbonne (Paris), where she presented a study on the support of poor people of France.

In 1896 she began teaching at Wellesley College.

Слайд 3Activity
Balch was an active participant in the movements for women's voting

rights, for racial equality, for monitoring child labour and for better wages for workers.

In 1910 she published her book «Our Slavic Felow – Citizens», was on Slavic immigrants in the United States.

In 1926 she studied social conditions in occupied Haiti, recommending the US government to withdraw its troops and to provide land ownership to the local population.

Слайд 4Faith and beliefs

During the Second World War she was involved in

refugee assistance.

The attack on Pearl-Harbor in 1941 changed Emily's opinion about the neutrality of the United States,
and she supported the country's entry into the war.

After the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, she advocated the ban of nuclear weapons.

Слайд 5Award
In 1946 «for her years of tireless work for the good

of the world» Emily Greene Balch was awarded the Nobel Prize.

She died on 9 January 1961 at the age of 95 years.

Слайд 6Presentation created by Rosenberg Alexander Olegovich
I know, it was great!

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