Digital Citizenship Redefined презентация

Слайд 1Digital Citizenship Redefined
By Larry Magid

Talk delivered at the National PTA Conference,

Austin, Texas
June 20, 2014

Слайд 2Evolution of online safety since 1994

Sexual abuse images (child porn)
Reputation management

Resilience & self-respect
Understanding not all are equally vulnerable
Thriving – positive outcomes

Слайд 3Of course there are risks in life, so…

Слайд 4Who can best protect youth?

Слайд 5Or young people themselves?

Слайд 6Ultimately, the best filter runs between the child’s ears, not on

a device

Protection that lasts a lifetime

Training wheels for young kids

Слайд 7How you treat others affects your risk
* EU Kids Online

+Internet Safety Technology Taskforce

“Among those who do not bully others, being bullied is relatively rare
8% offline only, and 4% online”*

“Youth who engage in online aggressive behavior by making rude or nasty comments or frequently embarrassing others are more than twice as likely to report online interpersonal victimization.” +

Слайд 8Avoid Fear & Exaggeration
Encourage honesty, calm discussion & social norming
Caution only

works if it’s believable and actionable

Слайд 9Social norms approach
People emulate how they think their peers behave
If people

think their friends don’t smoke, they’re less likely to smoke.
Same is true with over-eating, excessive alcohol use and other negative behaviors, including bullying*

*Assessing Bullying in New Jersey Secondary Schools: Applying the Social Norms Model to Adolescent Violence: Craig, Perkins 2008

Слайд 10What is a “Citizen”
“A person who legally belongs to a

country and has the rights and protection of that country”

“An inhabitant of a city or town; especially : one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman.”

(Merriam Webster online dictionary)

Слайд 11What is a “Digital Citizen”
“…There is a basic set of rights

extended to every digital citizen.
Digital citizens have the right to privacy, free speech, etc.
Basic digital rights must be addressed, discussed, and understood in the digital world.  With responsibilities as well. 
Users must help define how the technology is to be used in an appropriate manner. 
In a digital society these two areas must work together for everyone to be productive. ”

#7 of the “Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship” by Mike Ribble

Слайд 12And so, Digital Citizenship includes:
Access to digital tools in and

out of school
Respect from others: including teachers & other adults
Respect for others
Commitment to community
Freedom to be unique

Слайд 13What we do at ConnectSafely
Consumer education: Parents, teens and general public

for schools
Safer Internet Day
One Good Thing
Blogging, broadcasting and media appearances
Education for policy makers
International work

Слайд 14Research-Based Tips & Articles

Слайд 16 International & US Policy
Work with Internet Congressional Caucus
Work with other

non-profits around the world
Congressional testimony & advice
Participate in national & regional forums
Have worked within US states
Participate internationally in Internet Governance Forum & other global forums
Opening Washington DC Office – Fall 2014

Goal is to encourage rational and thoughtful policy that avoids unintended consequences

Слайд 17Safer Internet Day
2014 Theme: Teens and Tech Leaders on Building a

Better Internet

ConnectSafely is the designated US Host of Safer Internet Day.

Слайд 18Safer Internet Day 2014
Youth panel
Industry panel
Senator Chuck Schumer

Слайд 19Safer Internet Day Partners

Слайд 20Safer Internet Day 2015
February 10, 2015
In Silicon Valley with remote participation

from schools across the country

Слайд 21One Good Thing
Texting a kind message to a friend who

was sad
Helping a grandparent figure out Facebook
Getting a bunch of parents together and teaching them about how to use social media safely
Creating a pile-on of kindness for someone who was getting harassed or cyber bullied

Coming soon:

Слайд 22Thank you
Larry Magid

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