CREATIVE WAYS TO COMMUNICATE YOUR RESEARCHAnne OsterriederOxford Brookes UniversityEPSO-FEBS Conference Dublin, 24 June 2014 #EPSO14 презентация

Слайд 1CREATIVE WAYS TO COMMUNICATE YOUR RESEARCH Anne Osterrieder Oxford Brookes University EPSO-FEBS Conference Dublin,

24 June 2014 #EPSO14

Слайд 2WHO?

Слайд 3


Слайд 15Fame Lab, The Three Minute Thesis Competition, Dance your PhD….

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Слайд 18YouTube:

Слайд 20
Golgi apparatus

Слайд 22It’s fascinating!

Слайд 24Responsibility.


New skills.


Makes me a better scientist.

Слайд 25Why is this important?
Understand molecular mechanisms of Golgi stack structure
Understand Golgi

populations in individual cells

Put Golgi populations into functional context in cells

Study effects on plant phenotypes

Слайд 30

Слайд 34“I will never stand behind a lectern again! I will always

need to have a stage!”

“I used some of the theatre techniques for my presentation [at a research conference] - standing with my feet apart, breathing properly. It helped me.”

“I spend 50 hours per week in my office, not talking to people. [A project like this] is a healthy thing to do if you are doing an Arts and Humanities PhD.”

Слайд 35© Ivy Livingstone, CC-BY 4.0.

Слайд 37Your research
Discipline, research area or specific project?

General concepts or actual data?

or unpublished research?
Issues: Intellectual property, copyright, collaborative research, peer review…

Слайд 38Who is your audience?
Other researchers
Interested non-experts
Not interested non-experts
Young people

Слайд 39Your goals and preferences
What do you want to achieve?
How much

time do you have?
Do you prefer to write, take photos, speak…?

What do you enjoy doing?

Слайд 40Be creative!

Слайд 41Start small…

Слайд 42…but don’t be afraid to think big!

Слайд 43Make science communication part of your every-day work

Слайд 45Evaluate!

Слайд 47“MoodThingy” – Wordpress plug-in

Слайд 49“Publish or Perish”

Слайд 50Perception of science communication?

Слайд 53By Killy Ridols (Patagonia) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Слайд 54Thank you!


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