Creating Contagious Content презентация

Слайд 1Creating Contagious Content
Psychology of Going Viral Online

Слайд 2
The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.
Edith Sodergran

Слайд 3This is the story of how my friend, Keith Anderson. Keith

was greatly helped when a piece of content I wrote went viral online.

Слайд 4Keith has a wife, Julie, and two daughters. In this picture,

they are enjoying a holiday break one year before a traumatic event affected all their lives.

Слайд 5One year later, Keith would be diagnosed with pancreatitis, which is

severe inflammation of the pancreas. It is very painful, like having a heart attack.

Слайд 6My friend would undergo four surgeries. He was hooked up to

a dialysis machine. Keith was put into drug-induced coma for over a month. He gained 100 pounds of water weight. He lungs were filling up with water (at one point).

Слайд 7I thought of his family. I needed to do something. I

asked Julie how they were doing financially. She said, “Ok.” But, I knew better. So, I did something about it.

Слайд 8I wrote a blog article asking the community to help out

Keith’s family.

Слайд 9I posted the article on the day before Thanksgiving, which is

also known as Travel Day in America. People are traveling to see family. I expected a tepid response.

Слайд 10We raised one-thousand dollars. I had asked for 1,500 originally.


Слайд 11I expected less on Thanksgiving Day. People were with family.

Слайд 13Black Friday. People would be shopping?

Слайд 15Cyber Monday. Online Deals? People still shopping?

Слайд 17In the end, we kept raising money….

Слайд 18


Слайд 19
The Importance of Contagious Content

Слайд 20
Brian Sullivan.

Hi, my name is

Слайд 21Design Strategy & Execution
Run 3 start of the art UX testing

facilities at a major software firm.

Слайд 22Founded Dallas UX Group
Over 1,100 people in

the group. We meet monthly.

Слайд 23

I founded Big Design Conference in 2008.

September 4-6, 2014

Слайд 24Industry Speaker

Слайд 25User Guides

Слайд 26Cover Articles

Слайд 27500+ Blog Posts

Слайд 28#1 Slides from SxSW 2013

Слайд 29The coolest thing I have ever written was about Keith Anderson.

Слайд 30
What Makes Content Contagious?

Слайд 31I wanted to know why this piece of content went viral.

So, I read Contagious and Made to Stick.

Слайд 32Contagious by Jonah Berger helped me to understand the reasons for

the content going viral.

Слайд 34
Sharable information to make us feel good to those in our


Слайд 37Social currency was a personal value (sense of belonging and helping


Слайд 39
Sights, sounds and stimuli that reminds us to share.

Слайд 41
Rebecca Black’s “Friday”
Voted worst song of all time.

Слайд 42
69 Million Views on You Tube

Слайд 43The natural trigger was to go there each Friday.

Слайд 44Trigger may have been the family picture (sent on day before Thanksgiving).

Слайд 46
When we care, we share. Arousal leads people to take action.

Слайд 47730 million views on You Tube
Charlie Bit My Finger

Слайд 48Emotions are Contagious

Слайд 49
Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotion

Слайд 50Seven Most Viral Emotions


Слайд 51Do Not Create a Call to Action

Слайд 52Create a Call to Passion

Слайд 53Emotions were fear, anxiety, and surprise. When donating, love, serenity, and


Слайд 55
Content is built to show and grow in a public way.

Слайд 56Men grew moustaches in November to show support for cancer research

at a site.


Слайд 571. Mortgage payment in November.
2. Christmas presents in December.
Two Concrete Goals

Слайд 58
Behavioral Residue: Social deposits of our own personality.

Слайд 60Behavioral residue for the public came in many different forms. More

public, more viral.

Слайд 61


Слайд 62


Слайд 63


Слайд 64


Слайд 65


Слайд 68
News people can use or something with a concrete value.

Слайд 69People Helping People

Слайд 70Shucking Corn Easily
Ken Craig, 86 years old, created a video with

over 10 million views. He does not have email.

Слайд 711. Mortgage payment in November.
2. Christmas presents in December.
Two Concrete Goals

Слайд 72While there was no practical value, we certainly had concrete values

people understood.

Слайд 74
Everyone loves a good
story. You love to hear, tell,

and share stories.

Слайд 75The Story of The Trojan Horse

Слайд 76The Story of Jared Fogle

Слайд 77The Story of Mean Joe Greene

Слайд 78

The Story of Keith’s Family

Слайд 79
Stories are more trustworthy than ads.

Слайд 80Just the Story, Ma’am!
Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts.

Слайд 81
Stories are more trustworthy than facts.

Слайд 82The story talked about Keith’s situation, but it also talked about

his wife and daughters.

Слайд 83
Lightening Strikes Twice, Sometimes

Слайд 84#1 Slides from SxSW 2013

Слайд 85Spoke on Sunday

Слайд 86Daylight Saving Day

Слайд 87On Slideshare Home Page

Слайд 8830,000 Views

Слайд 89131,000 Views

Слайд 90226,000 Views

Слайд 91
Lightening Strikes a Third Time, Too

Слайд 92Molly Holzschlag

Слайд 93
"If Tim Berners-Lee is the father of the Web, than Molly

Holzschlag is its fairy godmother."

Слайд 94She Ended the Browser Wars

Слайд 95Molly Founded W3C

Слайд 96Molly Has Liver Cancer

Слайд 97Raised $67,000, So Far
Original goal was $10,000. It went viral. I

told the group that we would hit $75,000 eventually.

Слайд 98
Some Final Thoughts

Слайд 100Create a Call to Passion

Слайд 101
The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.
Edith Sodergran

Слайд 102Create Contagious Content
Make a Difference, Be Different!!!

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