Contemporary HRM. Training and Development презентация


Session plan… Definitions and differentiations Knowledge and skill (national, organisational and individual levels) Learning theories and learning styles Systematic training cycle Trends in learning and development Practical exercise

Слайд 1Contemporary HRM
Training and Development

Dr Kirsteen Grant
Room 2.38, Craiglockhart

Слайд 2Session plan…

Definitions and differentiations
Knowledge and skill (national, organisational and individual levels)

theories and learning styles
Systematic training cycle
Trends in learning and development
Practical exercise

Слайд 3Session objectives…
By the end of this session you will be able

Critically examine the importance of and different approaches to learning, training and development
Analyse and apply the stages in the systematic training cycle
Discuss current trends, issues and controversies within learning and development

Слайд 4Definitions…

What do these terms mean to you?

Слайд 5Definitions…
Learning: ‘a qualitative change in a person’s way of seeing, experiencing,

understanding and conceptualising something in the real world (Marton and Ramsden, 1988; in Harrison, 2005:xx)
Training: ‘a narrower concept and usually involves planned instructional activities, or other developmental activities and processes’ (Foot and Hook, 2005:228)
Development: ‘a process of becoming increasingly complex, more elaborate by virtue of learning and maturation’ (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007:266). ‘Changes in the whole person and what they can do’ (Banfield and Kay, 2007:240)

Слайд 6Human resource development…
‘The procedures and processes that purposely seek to provide

learning activities to enhance the skills, knowledge and capabilities of people, teams and the organisation so that there is a change in action to achieve the desired outcomes’
(Bratton and Gold, 2007:306).

Слайд 7Discussion questions:

For what reasons is learning important to individuals and organisations?

How can individuals’ learning can be turned into organisational learning?
How does learning thence impact on organisational performance?
What are the individual and organisational barriers to learning, training and development?

Слайд 8Three levels of learning needs…
General weakness, issue or gap in the

organisation where learning is required; often generated by change.

Skills, knowledge or attitudes required for different specialisms and/or professional institutes.

Gaps in skills, knowledge and/or attitude.

Слайд 9Context..
Increase in ICT and AI – less knowledge required?
Employers in industry

concerned about lack of basic and soft skills; not lack of ‘smart knowledge’
Universities focusing on skills development as well as knowledge development (employability)
Knowing how to does not = being able to do it (knowledge v competence)

Слайд 10Skills and jobs…
The ability to work to the required standard in

employment and practice
Low skill v high skill jobs
Economic implications
Low skill jobs = low skill economy = few driving forces to develop human potential
High skill jobs = substantial and sustained development
(Grant et al., 2014)

Слайд 11However…
Who has responsibility?

Many organisations are not interested in up-skilling beyond what

the job requires/ for other organisations/ or for society in general.

Слайд 12UK skills situation…
The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (2016/17) ranks

the UK as 7th
There is regularly updated data on the UK’s relative performance in investment, innovation, skills, enterprise and competition (the five drivers of productivity)

Leitch Report 2006:
Gaps due to relatively poor skills in UK
Skills for Scotland (2007; 2010) – UK productivity gap

Слайд 13The organisational level…
Successful employers view investing in skills as one of

the most powerful things to do to gain competitive advantage
There is a need to create a culture in which employees consider improving their skills to be one of the most important things they can do to realise their career aspirations
Employees need to take ownership of their skills and development

Слайд 14The individual level…
Those getting on
Those getting by
Those getting nowhere

Depends on:
Motivation levels

Opportunities and resources

Слайд 15Changing emphasis – personal qualities and generic skills…
Skills are increasingly being

defined in attitudinal, even emotional, terms.

Competency-based approaches:
Problem solving
Team working
Improving personal learning
Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, 1999)

Слайд 16Discussion question:

What organisational risks are there of identifying generic lists of


Слайд 17Training and learning…

Training as a product
We all learn differently
We learn every

Learning affects our behaviour
Reflective practice is important

Learning as a process, rather than a product

Слайд 18The learning process…
Learning theories:

Experiential learning

Слайд 19Behaviourism…
Key Figures: Pavlov (1927); Skinner (1953)
Related to objective, observed behaviour

learn by conditioning
Use of reinforcement to indicate a correct behavioural response (reward and punishment)

Слайд 20Cognitivism…
Knowledge is organised into structures – new experience and prior experience

must overlap
Learning as information processing

Слайд 21Constructivism…
Knowledge is internal to the individual and is created by personally

constructing meaning out of experience within social/ work environments
Learning occurs in a dynamic interaction between the individual and their environment

Слайд 22Think about an excellent personal learning experience…
What did you learn?
How did

you learn it?
Why and how was the learning effective for you?

Слайд 23Experiential learning…
Honey and Mumford’s learning styles questionnaire:

Activists: ‘Doing’ people: Enthusiastic –

tend to be involved in generating new ideas – action oriented – act first, consider consequences later
Reflectors: ‘Reflective’ people: Stand back and observe experiences, avoid reaching conclusions for as long as possible. Sometimes take back seat
Theorists: ‘Theory’ people: Try to understand and predict behaviour – produce step-by-step analysis. Value rationality and logic
Pragmatists: ‘Move on’ people: Always planning next step, keen to try out new ideas, eager to try out new things. Act quickly and confidently on ideas. Hate long discussions

Слайд 24Experiential learning…
Key Figure: Kolb (1984)
Learning through experience
Some individuals are more comfortable

with certain elements of the process

(Foot and Hook, 2005:199)

Слайд 25Group discussion:
Which is your preferred learning style?
How can this help you

to understand the learning activities that are more effective for you?
Can you identify any barriers to learning?

Слайд 26Systematic Training Cycle (Foot and Hook, 2005:209)…
Assess Training
Design Training
Conduct Training


Слайд 27Assessing training needs…
A training need exists when there is a gap

between present skills and knowledge of employees and skills and knowledge they require for effective performance

Training needs arise for three reasons:
Job changes
Person changes
Performance deficiencies

Слайд 28Identifying a training gap…

Where we ARE:
Where we SHOULD be:
Corporate results
Existing skills/

standards/ objectives

Targets/ standards required

Required knowledge/ skills

Actual performance of individuals

Training Gap

Слайд 29Designing training programmes…

Establish overall aims and learning outcomes for the programme

behaviours and learner analysis – learning styles
Design appropriate assessment instruments
Choose an training strategy and method(s)
Consider learning transfer
Design evaluation strategy (positioning)?

Слайд 30Writing learning objectives…
Objectives should be SMART(ER):


Слайд 31Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives (1956)…

Comprehension – understanding
Knowledge - remembering

Слайд 32% of what we remember when we…
Based on Dr Vernon Magnesen,University

of Texas, cited in Colin Rose, Master it Faster (The Industrial Society, 2000).

Слайд 33Learning/training methods…

Слайд 34The (new) global classroom…

Слайд 35Pause for thought
Google – 1998
Wikipedia – 2001
LinkedIn – 2003
Facebook – 2004

– 2005
Twitter – 2006
Pinterest and Instagram – 2010
Snapchat – 2011
Tinder – 2012
Periscope – 2015

Слайд 36Purpose of learning technology?
Learning how to learn?

Слайд 37Example virtual environments…
Serious Games
Virtual Operational Meetings
Virtual Conferences and Exhibitions

Слайд 38Game created to give students a more interactive experience in developing

disaster victim identification

Слайд 42Group discussion, ‘virtual learning’...
What does the future virtual landscape look

Implications for learning and training?
Mobile learning
Social media
Opportunities and barriers

Слайд 43Key considerations
Clarity on organization and learner needs and expectations?
Organization culture

Facilitator and learner competency
Training or learning? Formal or informal?
Equality and inclusion
How to monitor (control?)
How to evaluate – and why!
Technological capability

Слайд 44Instruction


(Source: Gibb, 2002)

Training delivery…
The Delivery Continuum

Слайд 45Evaluating training…

‘A process to identify the total value of a learning

event or process, thereby placing it into its organisational context and aiding future planning’ (Harrison, 2005:143).

Слайд 46Kirkpatrick (1956), cited in Foot and Hook (2005:218)…
Reaction – immediate impressions

– ‘happy sheet’
Learning – have training objectives been met? Assessment
Behaviour – has the trainee’s performance improved? (Performance appraisal)
Results – has the ‘new’ performance produced improved results overall? (RoI)

Слайд 47Evaluation methods…
Feedback form
One-to-one discussions
Focus groups
Individual performance review meetings
Table on agenda at

team meetings
Improvement in individual, team or organisational performance
360 degree feedback

Слайд 48Trends in learning and development…
Linking learning to strategy (strategic HRD) –

organisational learning?
Focus on learning, not training
Action learning, social learning
e-Learning and blended learning
Work-based learning – formal-informal methods
Continuing professional development (CPD)
Lifelong learning – “we need to create a culture…in which individuals see improving their skills as one of the greatest things they can do to realise their career aspirations” (Kevin Brennan, Minster for Further Education and Skills, 2009).

Слайд 49
Group activity:

Design a short training intervention:
Learning objectives
Delivery plan
Delivery methods
Evaluation method(s)

Слайд 50Some conclusions…
Training is important for the development of individual and organisational

capabilities – depends on skill levels required for jobs
Training and development is not straightforwardly a ‘good thing’ – not all training is developmental and not all development is integrated into work (Redman and Wilkinson, 2009)
Organisational (learning) culture plays a role
Studies show decline in workers’ discretion (learning transfer) (Felstead et al., 2007)

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