Bringing your community into the product development process презентация

As you grow, organization is the key to building a product your community loves @alexdao

Слайд 1Bringing your community into the product development process
Sr. Manager of Community


Слайд 2As you grow, organization is the key to building a product

your community loves


Слайд 3@alexdao
Vimeo is a remarkably creative community.

Слайд 4@alexdao

Слайд 5@alexdao

Слайд 6Vimeo 2009

Слайд 7Vimeo 2014

Слайд 8How to bring your community into your product process:
Specialize and


Share feedback far, wide, and often

Research with your community

Слайд 9As your company grows, generalists will become specialists.

Слайд 10Don’t just scale your support.

Слайд 11@alexdao
Specialize and organize

Share feedback far, wide, and often


with your community

Слайд 12@alexdao

Users want

Users want

Users want

Respectful reiteration is key.

Слайд 13@alexdao

Слайд 14Pay attention to feedback!
For every user who complains, 26 other users

remain silent.


Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs

Слайд 15Share good vibes, too.

Слайд 16@alexdao
Specialize and organize

Share feedback far, wide, and often


with your community

Слайд 17@alexdao
Usability and beta testing

Слайд 18@alexdao
Testing with your users

Слайд 19@alexdao
A few pointers…
Make them comfortable
There are no wrong answers
Avoid leading

Tag team with product and design
Take lots of notes

Слайд 20When pain points go unaddressed they spread like a virus.

Слайд 21@alexdao
We had a problem.

Слайд 22@alexdao
The Organizer

Слайд 23In other words…
As you grow, specialize and organize
Scale feedback with support

Managers are member advocates
Find a format that communicates issues clearly
Respectfully reiterate
Prevention is the best medicine


Слайд 24TATE

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