Automating Your Daily Tasks with Scripting презентация


Agenda What is Scripting Why Scripting Several Cases Script Management Q & A

Слайд 1Automating Your Daily Tasks with Scripting
Adler Hsieh
RubyConf Taiwan

Слайд 2Agenda
What is Scripting
Why Scripting
Several Cases
Script Management
Q & A

Слайд 3Only Basic Concept

Слайд 4Who am I
Adler Hsieh
Software Engineer at OneAD
Ruby, JavaScript, PHP

Github: adlerhsieh
Twitter: @adler_hsieh

Слайд 5What is Scripting

Слайд 6Let’s make it simple

Слайд 9Let’s make it a little useful

Слайд 10How do I get my local ip address?

Слайд 11> ifconfig

Слайд 12What is scripting
Your local ip address

Слайд 13What is scripting

Слайд 14What is scripting
Small programs
Small problems

Слайд 15Plus…
Saves time
Easy to write
Easy to manage

Слайд 16And…

Show off

Слайд 17Cases
Cleaning old files
Shutdown local server
MySQL Database import from .sql

Слайд 18Cleaning Old Files
All downloaded files are in one directory
Directory becomes

very large

Слайд 19Cleaning Old Files

Слайд 20Cleaning Old Files

Слайд 21Cleaning Old Files
Use it with Cron

Слайд 22Shutdown Server
Local server crashes
I cannot shut down my rails server with

ctrl + c

Слайд 23Shutdown Server
> lsof –i:3000

> kill -9 PID

Слайд 24Shutdown Server

Слайд 25Importing MySQL database with .sql
When there is bug
Importing production DB to

local DB

Слайд 26Importing MySQL database with .sql
> ssh username@
> mysqldump –u username –p

db_name > db.sql
> exit
> scp username@ db.sql
> mysql –u username –p db_name < db.sql

Слайд 27Importing MySQL database with .sql

Слайд 28Cases
Scripts are task-specific
Find patterns in your tasks

Слайд 29Managing Scripts

Слайд 30Managing Scripts
If you do not manage scripts…
Scripts everywhere
You have to remember

file locations

Слайд 31Managing Scripts
All scripts at a glance
Write once, run everywhere

Слайд 33Managing Scripts
Managing all rake tasks in ~/.rake folder
Prefixing ‘rake’ command
Description support

Слайд 34Managing Scripts

Слайд 35Managing Scripts
Managing tasks like in Rails

Thus, run `rake` command from anywhere

–g option if necessary)

Слайд 36Executables

Слайд 37Managing Scripts
Make scripts executables
Separate scripts by commands

The bad part
Too many commands

with existing commands

Слайд 38Managing Scripts

> chmod 755 hello.rb
> mv hello.rb

> ./hello

Слайд 39Managing Scripts
Change the following line in your ‘.bashrc’:
export PATH=“/user/bin:/usr/local/bin”
export PATH=“/user/bin:/usr/local/bin:/scripts”
And you

can do:
> hello

Слайд 40That’s it!

Слайд 41Recap
Scripts are small programs solving small problems
Scripts are case-specific
Automation saves energy

& time
Managing scripts with rake

Слайд 42Make your own scripts!

Слайд 43Thank you!
Slides are available on my Twitter

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