How the Internet of Things Will Create a Smart World презентация

What do I do? I am a digital marketing influencer. I have reached over 60 million people on social media. I am an author in the

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How the Internet of Things
Will Create a Smart World
Vladimer Botsvadze

100 Marketing Influencer


Слайд 2What do I do?
I am a digital marketing influencer.


have reached over 60 million people on social media.

I am an author in the region of 9 books.

I speak at events, provide digital marketing consulting services
for brands, appear as a guest expert in newspapers, and work with the world’s top business schools.


The brands I have influenced:

Слайд 3A Network or Concept?

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‘’The Internet of Things is not a concept,
it is a

network, the true technology-enabled
network of all things.’’
- Edewere Oriwoh


Слайд 5Technology Roadmap:
The Internet of Things

Слайд 8What are Intelligent Systems?

Слайд 9@vladobotsvadze

Слайд 10
Source: The Joy of Tech

Слайд 11@vladobotsvadze

Слайд 12Estimated Number of Smart Connected Things
in Use Worldwide by Category in



Слайд 131 Billion
1 Billion

Слайд 14
3 Billion

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2 Billion

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Estimates of Connected Devices in 2020

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12 Billion

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24 Billion

Слайд 20How Machine-To-Machine (M2M) Network Connectivity is Connecting and Growing Industries

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Source: Westbase Technology

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Source: Westbase Technology

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Your Workday in 2020 Through the Internet of Things

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Source: Forbes

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Source: Forbes

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Source: Forbes

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Source: Forbes

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Source: Forbes

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Source: Forbes

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‘’The Internet of Things will augment your brain.’’

Eric Schmidt

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Слайд 39How will a Smart World Change the Way the Societies Work?


Слайд 40@vladobotsvadze
Source: Libelum

Слайд 41The Internet gave us the opportunity to connect in the ways

we could never have dreamed possible.
The Internet of Things will take us beyond connection to become part of a living, moving, global nervous system.


Слайд 42Are you ready for the Internet of Things?

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More About Vladimer Botsvadze:

Vladimer is an innovative, creative, collaborative, and passionate

digital marketing influencer. He is one of the world’s top social media strategists, writers, and speakers.

Vladimer is an astute observer of the key trends that shape what comes next. He interacts with people, from mobile and streaming technologies, to start-ups and innovation.

Vladimer has a global background of representing some of the world’s most leading brands including: Forbes, KLM, Adidas, Aston Martin, Microsoft, Air France, Gartner, Accenture Digital, Audi, HP, and others.

Top 1% of Social media Users.
Top 0.2% Worldwide on Twitter Globally.
Top 1% Most Viewed on LinkedIn.
Over 60 Million Retweet and Mention Reach on Twitter by SumAll.
The Most Influential in Digital Marketing and Online Advertising in the Middle East by Twtrland.
Top 100 B2B Marketing Influencer by Onalytica.

If you are interested in working with Vladimer, having him as a speaker at your event, digital marketing consulting services for businesses
and individuals, featuring him as a guest expert in your online business publication, please send an email to
Also connect with Vladimer on the following social media platforms.

Personal Website:
Twitter: @vladobotsvadze

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