Time management and organizational skills презентация

Welcome! Facilitator: Tracy Laycock Trainer and instructional designer for Briljent Facilitating classroom training and webinars for 20 years.

Слайд 1Time Management and Organizational Skills

Слайд 2
Facilitator: Tracy Laycock
Trainer and instructional designer for Briljent
Facilitating classroom training and

webinars for 20 years.

Слайд 3Supplemental Resources
CCLC Web site
Leadership Academy Courses in On Course

Слайд 4Working in Different Environments

Слайд 5Different Working Environments
Central Offices
Main or Satellite Offices
Virtual Offices

Слайд 6Working in Different Environments
Benefits of Each
Central offices
Main or satellite offices
Virtual offices

Слайд 7Working in Different Environments
Challenges of Each
Central offices
Main or satellite offices
Virtual offices

Слайд 8Increasing Efficiency
How can you increase your efficiency each day?

Слайд 9Reducing Stress

Слайд 10Causes of Stress
What causes stress?
Internal sources
External sources

What is stressful for you?

Слайд 11Effects of Stress
Cognitive Symptoms
Memory problems
Inability to concentrate
Poor judgment
Seeing only the

Anxious or racing thoughts
Constant worrying
Emotional Symptoms
Irritability or short temper
Agitation and inability to relax
Feeling overwhelmed
Sense of loneliness and isolation
Depression or general unhappiness

Physical Symptoms
Aches and pains
Diarrhea or constipation
Nausea and/or dizziness
Chest pain and/or rapid heartbeat
Loss of sex drive
Frequent colds
Physical Symptoms
Eating more or less
Sleeping too much or too little
Isolating yourself from others
Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
Nervous habits (e.g., nail biting, pacing)

Слайд 12Reducing Stress
Reduce your stress through:
Time Management

Слайд 13Planning and Prioritization

Слайд 14Organize and Prioritize
Prioritize your tasks
Where do the majority of your tasks

fall on the chart?

Слайд 15Organize and Prioritize
Quadrant I
Immediate Attention Required

Слайд 16Organize and Prioritize
Quadrant II
Requires attention, but not yet critical

Слайд 17Organize and Prioritize
Quadrant III
“Nice to do”

Слайд 18Organize and Prioritize
Quadrant IV
These activities are time eaters

Слайд 19Increase Effectiveness
After organizing and categorizing tasks, prioritize tasks
Develop new skills
Time Sense

Time Planning
Recognize Procrastination
Celebrate your accomplishments

Слайд 20Organize and Prioritize
Plan your work, then work your plan
The “to-do” list

your tasks
Plan for the unplanned

Слайд 21Technology and Tools
Microsoft Outlook Basics to Manage Your Days
E-mail management
Calendar management


Слайд 22Technology and Tools
E-mail Management
Creating folders
Setting rules

Слайд 23Technology and Tools
Creating Folders

Слайд 24Technology and Tools
Creating Folders

Слайд 25Technology and Tools
Creating Folders

Слайд 26Technology and Tools
Creating Folders

Слайд 27Technology and Tools
Setting Rules

Слайд 28Technology and Tools
Setting Rules

Слайд 29Technology and Tools
Calendar Management
Setting an appointment
Updating and deleting an appointment

Слайд 30Technology and Tools
Setting an Appointment

Слайд 31Technology and Tools
Setting an Appointment

Слайд 32Technology and Tools
Inviting Others to the Appointment
Add comments or instructions here

Слайд 33Technology and Tools
Updating and Deleting an Appointment

Слайд 34Technology and Tools
Task Management
Color coding

Слайд 35Technology and Tools
Entering Tasks

Слайд 36Technology and Tools
Entering Tasks

Слайд 37Technology and Tools
Entering Tasks

Слайд 38Technology and Tools
Entering Tasks

Слайд 39Technology and Tools
Flagging E-mails

Слайд 40
Thank you for your time.
We look forward to your participation in

future webinars.
Remember to access the CCLC website or the Leadership Academy Course in On Course to find resources and a link to a survey about this session.

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Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

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