Restaurant Management. Planning презентация

Management Topics: Planning Planning: Provides direction for the organization to go in order to be successful Process of setting goals and determining how best to accomplish them Strategic plans: Devised

Слайд 1“Restaurant Management”

Слайд 2Management Topics: Planning
Provides direction for the organization to go in

order to be successful
Process of setting goals and determining how best to accomplish them
Strategic plans:
Devised to steer the organization towards its vision and mission
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) assessment

Слайд 3Planning (cont’d.)
Steps involved in the planning process:
Determining where the organization is

and where it wants to be
Setting goals and strategies to achieve the goals
Evaluating results

Слайд 4Forecasting
Part of planning
Aims to predict what will happen in the

Number of guests to expect and prepare for
Determine where the organization is
Level of guest satisfaction and loyalty
Determine where the organization wants to be operationally

Слайд 5 Goal Setting and Strategies
Set for each key result area:
Guest satisfaction

Labor costs
Food and beverage costs
Energy costs
Direct operating expenses and so on

Слайд 6 Organizing
Purpose is to get a job done efficiently and effectively by

completing these tasks:
Divide work into specific jobs and departments
Assign tasks and responsibilities
Coordinate diverse organizational tasks
Cluster jobs into units
Establish relationships among individuals, groups, and departments
Establish formal lines of authority
Allocate and deploy organizational resources

Слайд 7 Decision-Making
Decision-making process:
Identification and definition of problem
Identification of decision criteria
Allocation of weights

to criteria
Development of alternatives
Selection of alternative
Implementation of alternative
Evaluation of decision effectiveness

Слайд 8 Decision-Making (cont’d.)
Types of decisions:
Programmed decision:
Relates to decisions that occur on

a regular basis
Example: what to do when the stock goes below par
Non programmed decision:
Rarely happens so it is handled differently
Example: which supplier to use

Слайд 9 Communicating
Communication is important:
Imparts an impression of the restaurant to guests

Verbal, nonverbal, body language, and intonation
Active listening: really hearing and understanding what is being said

Слайд 10Motivating
What makes people tick:
Needs, desires, fears, and aspirations within people

that make them behave as they do
Energizer that makes people take action
The why of human behavior
Goes hand in hand with productivity
Must come from within
A complicated business

Слайд 11Performance Management
Forms the heart of the job description
Describe what’s, how-to’s,

and how-wells of a job
Each performance standard has three things about each unit of the job:
What the employee is to do
How well it is to be done
To what extent it is to be done

Слайд 12Control and Management Issues
Keeping track of costs, inventory, percentages and other

There are many restaurant management issues

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