What Every Business Needs to Know about Periscope! презентация

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Yusuf Chowdhury



What Every Business Needs to Know about Periscope!

Слайд 2Thank You

Слайд 3@VenturePointSA




Слайд 4$49 Per Month with yearly contract
Setup Fee $49 (Valued at

Business address (Valued at $99 per month)
Local SEO (Google Listing)
Up to 3 hours of consultation at not cost per month
(valued at $300 per hour)

20% to 85% discounts on services in the areas of:
-- Web Design & Development (Valued at $3300 to $6600)
-- Monthly Search engine optimization (Valued at $1200 to $2500)
-- Monthly Social Media Management ($800 to $1500)
-- Logo Designs, flyers and brochure designs (Valued $250 to $450)
-- Mobile Apps ($3500 to $6000)


Слайд 6 - What is Periscope? - Other live streaming apps - How to

optimize your Periscope profile - Understand Periscope functionalities - Periscope tools and kits - Periscope strategies to capture leads - Follow the experts in Periscope



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Periscope is the new social media video streaming mobile app platform that lets

users live-broadcast videos.

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1- Raw and organic
2- Highest in Engagement
3- No need for perfection

4- Best in sharing features
5- So easy to use
6- Viewers willing to assist

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1- Profile picture
2- Use emojis
3- Mention your website
4- Enticing description
5- Following

– Users you follow
6- Users - who follow you

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7- Blocked – users you blocked
2- Broadcasts – your broadcasts

Settings – Notification
- User follow you
- Preferred languages
- AutoSave broadcast
4- Share – Text, Email, FB messages
5- Help center – Q&A and search
6- Send feedback – To Periscope team
7- Legal –
- Terms of service.
- Privacy policy
- Attribution
8- Logout – Exit the app

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1- Map – Live streaming users
2- List – Views of live


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1- Lives streaming users
2- Locations
3- Number of viewers
4- Title of

the scope

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1- Write the title
2- Use #
3- Select your location
4- Share in

5- Don’t use private scoping
6- Don’t select limited comments
7- Hit broadcast

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1- Feature scopes
2- Periscope from your followers
3- Ability to add periscopers

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1- Periscope saves videos for 24 hours
2- Auto save videos on

your mobile device
3- Use cloud based web services
4- Use “Katch” a web service that saves beyond 24 hours.
5- Use 3rd party tool like Scandesk Wifi

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1- Periscope saves videos for 24 hours
2- Auto save videos on

your mobile device
3- Use cloud based web services
4- Use “Katch” a web service that saves beyond 24 hours.
5- Use 3rd party tool like Scandesk Wifi

Слайд 23*
1- Periscope saves videos for 24 hours
2- Auto save videos on

your mobile device
3- Use cloud based web services
4- Use “Katch” a web service that saves beyond 24 hours.
5- Use 3rd party tool like Scandesk Wifi

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1- Plan and prepare
2- Use social media channels (Use www.canva.com)

Share other people’s broadcast
4- Engage with the broadcaster
5- Connect with other audiences
6- Assist the broadcaster
7- Ask for hearts and shares in the middle of your scope
8- Tech and collaborate with others
9. Post it in twitter
10. When broadcasting, start right away

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Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

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