Burson-Marsteller, Geneva 16.03.2015 #Twiplomacy @Luefkens @Twiplomacy @BMdigital презентация

How International Organisations Tweet in 2015 The United Nations Children's Fund is by far the most effective international organisation on Twitter considering that each tweet sent by @UNICEF is retweeted on

Слайд 1Burson-Marsteller, Geneva 16.03.2015
#Twiplomacy @Luefkens @Twiplomacy @BMdigital

Слайд 2How International Organisations Tweet in 2015
The United Nations Children's Fund is

by far the most effective international organisation on Twitter considering that each tweet sent by @UNICEF is retweeted on average 184 times. The @UN is second with 141 retweets per tweet followed by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (@CERN) with 121 retweets per tweet. @WWF, @WHO, and @Greenpeace complete the Top five list.

Слайд 3How International Organisations Tweet in 2015

Not surprisingly the @UN has become

the most followed international organisation with 3,676,825 followers ahead of @UNICEF with 3.5 million followers. Two other organisations have more than a million followers namely the @WEF and @WHO. @Refugees, @HRW, @WWF, @Greenpeace, @CERN, and the @WorldBank complete the top 10 list with more than a million followers each.

Слайд 4How International Organisations Tweet in 2015

Human Rights Watch (@HRW) is the

most active international organisation posting on average 36 tweets per day. The World Economic Forum is the second most active organization posting on average 27 tweets per day, driving followers to its blog. The @EspacioOEI is in third position with 26 tweets per day.

Слайд 5How International Organisations Tweet in 2015

In general International Organisations are hardly

conversational with the notable exception of the World Health Organization (@WHO), the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (@Eurocontrol), and the International Maritime Organization (@IMOhq) with a third of their tweets being @replies to queries by followers.

Слайд 6How Leaders of Intl. Organisations Tweet in 2015

Слайд 7How Leaders of Intl. Organisations Tweet in 2015

In terms of average

retweets per 100 followers Pierre Krähenbühl (@PKraehenbuehl), the Commissioner General of @UNRWA is by far the overall champion thanks to a series of personal tweets he sent during the attack on Gaza in July 2014 which have been retweeted several thousand times.

Слайд 8How Leaders of Intl. Organisations Tweet in 2015

Nabil Elaraby, the Secretary

General of the Arab League is the most followed. His personal institutional Twitter account @lassecgen was set up under his predecessor. NATO Secretary General and former Prime Minister of Norway @JensStoltenberg, early adopter of the micro-blogging service is in second position followed by Christine @Lagarde, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Слайд 9How Leaders of Intl. Organisations Tweet in 2015

Kenneth Roth, the Director

of Human Rights Watch (@HRW) is the most prolific leader of an international organisation, producing 25 tweets per day. UNDP’s Administrator @HelenClarkUNDP is the second most active tweep after @KenRoth with more than 18 tweets each day.

Слайд 10How Leaders of Intl. Organisations Tweet in 2015

Richard Sezibera, the Secretary

General of the East African Community is the most conversational head of an international organisation. More than half of his tweets are @replies to other users. He is followed by NATO Secretary General @JensStoltenberg and the President of the African Development Bank @DonaldKaberuka with 41% and 27% @replies respectively.

Слайд 11How International Organisations Tweet in 2015

@Greenpeace was the first international organisation

to sign up to Twitter on 4 April 2007, followed by the World Economic Forum (@WEF) two weeks later. Fourteen organisations signed up in 2008, including @WWF, @UN, @Refugees, @WHO and the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Being early adopters has definitely helped these organisations garner large following on their accounts.

Слайд 12Twiplomacy.com

@Luefkens @Twiplomacy @BMdigital

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