Top 5 Scariest Things Businesses Think About Digital Marketing презентация

5 Scariest Things that Businesses Think About Digital Marketing Fear is what makes most businesses vulnerable.

Слайд 25 Scariest Things that Businesses Think About Digital Marketing
Fear is what

makes most businesses vulnerable.

Слайд 3Fear that Digital Marketing is not for their business
Some companies actually

think that it’s not yet the time for digital marketing.

Слайд 4Fear that there will be no ROI
Most businesses are scared that

they will spend money and time on digital marketing but they will not get anything in return.

Слайд 5Fear to get fooled by an agency
Businesses fear that they will

encounter bad digital marketing vendors that will just waste their money and will not actually do any work.

Слайд 6Fear of technology
They feel that their business will be okay without

digital marketing. Truth is, their scared that there will be too many things going on with technology and their scared that it's expensive and they can't keep up.

Слайд 7Fear of digital data
Perhaps it’s fear of interpreting data. Where and

how would they used this data?

Слайд 8What businesses should consider….

Слайд 9Even Britney Spears’ hair was sold online so there’s no way

a business should not be promoted on the internet. Not unless you’re doing illegal stuff.

Слайд 10Identify your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) so you can gauge if

you’re digital marketing strategy is on the right track and if you’re achieving your goals. What does one visit mean to your site? What is one click, one like, one comment or one share?

Слайд 11There are thousands of vendors out there. In choosing your internet

marketing partner, be mindful of the promises and terms that they will give you. Find someone you can trust, who understands you and will help you achieve your goal.

Слайд 12You and your business should embrace technology primarily because it makes

work easier. Your business can thrive with technology.

Слайд 13Data are no longer hard to understand like codes and mathematical

equations. There are tools that can make you understand them easily.

Слайд 14Data will help you create better marketing strategies. It’s hard to

shoot in the dark but these data will be your guide in aiming the right target.

Слайд 15In order for your business to stand out, you should venture

on things that you have not tried before. The first step is trying. How would you know if you will not try?

Слайд 16All your customers are now online. They are just waiting for

you there.

Слайд 17For further reading, click on: or visit

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