The Social Commerce Master's Guide презентация

Слайд 2About This Presentation
Our 8-part guide is for any and everyone interested

in selling and growing their business through the power of social media.
So many people think they know social media but they are way off. Strategies that are specifically centered around one goal can hurt you in the long run.

Think about it…
Wouldn’t you rather learn how to cook versus learn how to fry chicken?
If you take the time to absorb the info contained in our guide, you will find yourself as the most intelligent social media expert in the room no matter where you go.

Слайд 3The Social Commerce Master’s Guide
Prior to viewing this presentation, make sure that

you view the previous parts of
“The Social Commerce Master’s Guide” which can be found on our SlideShare account.

Слайд 5Set up and Manage a Facebook Page That Works
Facebook is perhaps

the most famous global phenomenon that continues to grow exponentially since its launch.
Originally designed for college students, we don’t need statistics to prove that Facebook has moved leaps and bounds beyond its original use.
Over time, it became recognized as an extremely powerful networking medium for businesses.

Слайд 6Setting Up
Creating a Facebook Page (also known as Brand Page) can

provide you a powerful tool to interact with your market on a different level that traditional media will not be able to provide.
By helping your customers gain a close connection with your corporate brand, you can turn them into loyal patrons and unpaid brand ambassadors.

Слайд 7Setting Up
To get started, follow these simple steps:
1. If you don’t

have an existing account, sign up for one. If you already have one, log in and click “Pages” button located on the left-hand side of the screen.
2. Select what type of Facebook page you want to create, such as Brand, Company, Institution and Organization.
3. Fill in all the specific information.
4. Agree to the detailed Facebook Pages Terms.

5. Enter all the relevant information required. Once you have indicated the specific category of your business, you can start customizing your page. Facebook walks you through the entire customization process by providing you a list of pending things you should complete to get started.
6. Upload a company image or logo, which you can also include website, tagline, and Twitter page, along with other social media pages you maintain.
7. Save your settings.

Слайд 13The Social Commerce Master’s Guide
Follow us on SlideShare to stay up to

date on our 8-part series.
Part 4 of our guide will focus on “Tweeting Your Way To Online Prominence.”
The SlideShare presentation will be released on Tuesday September 8th, 2014.

Don’t want to wait?
The complete download of “The Social Commerce Master’s Guide” can be found for free at

Слайд 14About Creative Loot
Creative Loot is a Social Commerce Platform and Innovation

Think Tank based in Atlanta, Ga.
Social commerce, sometimes abbreviated as "s-ecommerce,“ is a term often used to describe new online retail models or marketing strategies that incorporate established social networks and/or peer-to-peer communication to drive sales.

Creative Loot designs and develops various technologies and strategies to help enhance the social commerce user experience for both sellers and buyers.
To learn more, send an email to

Слайд 15Please feel free to visit us at to sign up

and test our breakthrough in-stream social selling application called Pro Loot.

About Creative Loot

Слайд 16Disclaimer
The purpose of our guide is to educate and provide information

about Internet marketing and Social e-Commerce.
The data shared in our guide has been sourced from and by various experts, users, and thought leaders through vetted research, and analysis.
Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, our guide provides information only up to the publishing date.

The author and the publisher does not warrant that the information contained in our guide is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions.
The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by our guide.

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