Sales basics презентация

Слайд 1Sales basics

Слайд 2 What is the difference between a “product-focused sales" and a" client-focused


Слайд 3“Product-focused sales" and a " client-focused sales"

Слайд 4“Product-focused sales" and a " client-focused sales"

Слайд 5Client-focused sales: why should we estimate each client?
Soviet Union time: no

competitors - no client-focused sales

Who does not like – may go out of the shop!

Слайд 6What is the difference between indoor and outdoor salesman?

Слайд 7What is selling Salesman & Sales Representative?

Слайд 8
SR in his work should go even further -

he must not only to be able to professionally find the true needs of the client, he must be able to generate demand in the product which he is selling.

Слайд 9
To be engaged in sales - it means not only to

meet client needs, but mostly to be able to create them. To convince the client that it is really necessary for him, and to make it such way that after the purchase client will not feel disappointment - that's aerobatics for Sales Representative.

Thus, unlike a simple seller, outdoor sales man - is not only the seller of goods, but seller of IDEAS!

Слайд 10What is the secret of successful sales representative?

Слайд 11

To be successful you need to switch style of

thinking from P to R

Слайд 12Self-Respect
1. Raise your self motivation
2. Love your job
3. Raise your

self-confidence and confident style of communication (inner composure)

Слайд 14What must know and do SR?
His territory, namely:
number of restaurants;

names of people who are responsible for signing contracts and making decisions;
different ways of dealing with each important person in a restaurant, their character, habits and so on. how important the relationship with every kind of person, his character and habits;
steps of visit.

Слайд 15Company’s product:

strengths and weaknesses of the product;
features and benefits of the

product in comparison with competitors;
ways to promote the product;
all the possible objections to buy the product and ways to overcome them.

Слайд 16
Everything about your Company:
the history of the company,
its position among competitors.

maximum information about competitors,
their prices,
methods of working,
ways of capture clients from competitors.
Standards, rules of work:
steps of a business visit to a new client;
which documents to drawn up at the beginning of cooperation with a client.

Слайд 17Good Sales Representative must be able to understand clients values, needs

and problems

Слайд 18Triangle ARC
R – Reality – is agreement, or what we agree

to be real is real

Without C no R and A, without R no C and А. When one element is reduced – others are starting to reduce as well. You need to increase the only one angle and other 2 will be also increased after that.

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