opened, read презентация

Слайд 1opened, read
that get
write emails

Слайд 2opened, read
that get
write emails

Слайд 3Henneke Duistermaat
Featured on:

Слайд 4Email marketers
face a huuuuge GAP…

Слайд 5We try to achieve this…

Слайд 6We often achieve this…

Слайд 8How can we bridge the gap?

Слайд 9Your reader profile may be something like this…

Слайд 1064% male
76% London
Income: £30k - £45k
Reader profile
Shoe size 7-9
Age: 19 -


Слайд 1164% male
76% London
Income: £30k - £45k
Reader profile
Shoe size 7-9
Age: 19 -


Слайд 1264% male
76% London
Income: £30k - £45k
Reader profile
Shoe size 7-9
Age: 19 -



Слайд 13You can’t visualize vague demographics.

Слайд 14You can only picture one person.

Слайд 15Write to please just one person.
~ Kurt Vonnegut

Image credit: Shutterstock

Слайд 16If you open a window and make love to the world,

so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Слайд 17Create one ideal reader profile
Favourite websites, books, social media

Слайд 18Create one ideal reader profile
Favourite websites, books, social media

Слайд 19Create one ideal reader profile
Favourite websites, books, social media

Слайд 20Create one ideal reader profile
Favourite websites, books, social media

Слайд 21Create one ideal reader profile
Favourite websites, books, social media

Слайд 22Create one ideal reader profile
Favourite websites, books, social media

Слайд 23Click here to download a free form to create an ideal

reader profile
(no opt-in)

Слайд 24Your ideal reader will inspire you.

Слайд 25He’ll tell you what to write, and how to
write it.

Слайд 26Source: Patisserie Valerie
Example 1/4

Слайд 27Source: Patisserie Valerie
We’re launching a new Patisserie Valerie Cake Club and

as a valued customer and current subscriber to our email offers, we would like to welcome you to our new Cake Club Community. We look forward to sending you new regular updates, exclusive offers and news about Patisserie Valerie plus a little treat on your birthday.

Слайд 28Source: Patisserie Valerie
We’re launching a new Patisserie Valerie Cake Club and

as a valued customer and current subscriber to our email offers, we would like to welcome you to our new Cake Club Community. We look forward to sending you new regular updates, exclusive offers and news about Patisserie Valerie plus a little treat on your birthday.

Слайд 29Source: Patisserie Valerie
We’re launching a new Patisserie Valerie Cake Club and

as a valued customer and current subscriber to our email offers, we would like to welcome you to our new Cake Club Community. We look forward to sending you new regular updates, exclusive offers and news about Patisserie Valerie plus a little treat on your birthday.

Слайд 30Source: Patisserie Valerie
We’re launching a new Patisserie Valerie Cake Club and

as a valued customer and current subscriber to our email offers, we would like to welcome you to our new Cake Club Community. We look forward to sending you new regular updates, exclusive offers and news about Patisserie Valerie plus a little treat on your birthday.

Слайд 31Source: Patisserie Valerie
We’re launching a new Patisserie Valerie Cake Club and

as a valued customer and current subscriber to our email offers, we would like to welcome you to our new Cake Club Community. We look forward to sending you new regular updates, exclusive offers and news about Patisserie Valerie plus a little treat on your birthday.

Слайд 32Source: Patisserie Valerie
We’re launching a new Patisserie Valerie Cake Club and

as a valued customer and current subscriber to our email offers, we would like to welcome you to our new Cake Club Community. We look forward to sending you new regular updates, exclusive offers and news about Patisserie Valerie plus a little treat on your birthday.

Слайд 33How to address your ideal reader instead…

Слайд 34Source: UrbanDaddy
Example 2/4

Слайд 35Source: UrbanDaddy

Слайд 36Source: UrbanDaddy

Слайд 37Source: UrbanDaddy

Слайд 38Source: Amnesty International
Example 3/4

Слайд 39Source: Amnesty International

Слайд 40
Source: Amnesty International

Слайд 41Source: Amnesty International

Слайд 42Source: Giant
Example 4/4

Слайд 43Source: Giant

Слайд 44Source: Giant

Слайд 45Your ideal reader will inspire you.

Слайд 46(…) every novelist has a single ideal reader.
~ Stephen King


credit: Shutterstock

Слайд 47And when Stephen King writes, he wonders…

Слайд 48(…) I wonder what he/she will think when he/she reads this


Image credit: Shutterstock

Слайд 49Do your emails inspire your ideal reader to take action?

Слайд 50Want to receive more writing tips?

Слайд 51Get your free Snackable Writing Course for
Busy People

© 2014 by

Henneke Duistermaat

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