Marketing planungsrunde презентация

Agenda The main directions of marketing Strategy steps to marketing development Volkswagen brand promotion in Kazakhstan Analysis of the main channels of communication Volkswagen sales support in Kazakhstan

Слайд 1Importer Organisation
Effective Dealer Network
Marketing activities
Customer Satisfaction

Слайд 2Agenda
The main directions of marketing
Strategy steps to marketing development
Volkswagen brand

promotion in Kazakhstan
Analysis of the main channels of communication
Volkswagen sales support in Kazakhstan
Marketing plan Volkswagen Kazakhstan

Слайд 3The main directions of marketing


(VW easily recognizable, available, open & friendly to customer)
VW brand – innovative, valuable, responsible…

A single brand positioning for all dealers (corporate identica, start advertising campaigns, centralized communication channel selection)
Uniform standarts of work for all dealers


Predictable market for 2016 - 70 000 passenger vehicles
Aggressive pricing of competitors (Renault, Datsun on, Lifan/ Jac – Made in China))
Production of competitors cars in Kazakhstan and have the state support.
Preferential auto loans (Toyota, Hyundai, KIA, Skoda, Chevrolet/ Peugeot)

Sales / Market / Channels of communication

Customer satisfaction

Marketing support for each dealer (radio & internet advertising, printed material, gift for clients, event support)

Dealer centers rating & motivation of best dealer & best co-worker

Dealers satisfaction

Constant monitoring of the sales managers (KPI rating, NPS index, mystery shopper)

Increasing customer loyalty by providing gifts, promotion in points of sale

Слайд 4SALES - keep and increase our market share

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION - introduction of a system
of control and motivation

NETWOR attention to each
dealer, constant monitoring and support

BRAND - increasing
the availability
and brand recognition

Strategy steps to marketing development 2016/2017


Importer site perfection (introduction of recording profiles for a test drive, links to all the sites of dealers, service pages)
Sites dealers adaptation with uniform corporate standards
Build a database of calls to the VW hotline, the introduction of a monthly SMS / What’s up/ E-mail messaging


Constant flow of information about the models (advantages, test drives, comparative test drives) in the Internet, social networks
Single advertising campaign on models throughout Kazakhstan (design billboards, radio commercials, online banners etc…


Introduced a dealerships rating system based: CSS monitoring, KPI sales personnel monitoring, mystery call monitoring + mystery shopper


Required monthly marketing report each dealer
A single information resource open to all DN Kazakhstan is required for oversee the centralized distribution network
A single marketing strategy to promote for each model (radio, internet, press - covering all regions)

Слайд 5Volkswagen brand promotion in Kazakhstan 2016

Слайд 6Brand development 2016
The main condition for building a brand is accessibility

and openness. First contact with the customer is established on the web-sait VW / hotline VW / social network

Increase brand awareness

Increase of customer loyalty

Description –
translation into Kazakh language
update dealer information
section of service and spare parts
questionnaire to record a test drive
new finance offers

Global call centre 8 800 070 87 87
2 times a month SMS/ What’s up & e-mail messaging database

3. Sponsorship Undiscovered Kazakhstan

4. Volkswagen Junior Master
The winner team will represent in championship VW Junior Masters in May 2016 in France

5. Promotion in social network

6. Customer Satisfaction. Monitoring. Mystery Call/ mystery Shopping. Programs of customer satisfaction in cooperation with our dealers.
Support the dealer Events by importer.



Alibek Keneshev

2. Zhannat Kuzekeeva
+ 188.KZ

Zhannat Kuzekeeva

Alibek Keneshev

5. Alibek Keneshev

6. Zhanna Kuzekeeva




In search of a new partner

Dealers site examples:
Targets 2016

In 2015, all dealers have adapted the

sites according to standards of VW

Accessibility and openness of brand

Today there are 1 Importer site
and 5 dealer sites

Слайд 8Hotline Volkswagen Kazakhstan

Uniform information line Volkswagen
In 2014 received calls

In 2015 received calls 5142
Provided The database that is sent to dealers

Accessibility and openness of brand


Слайд 9Promotion in social networks
Statistics in Kazakhstan
The slide "Rating of social network

services" shows that Facebook is next to VKontakte (first place). But we need to emphasize that the aged and financially reliable people visit Facebook (generally) from 24 to 35 years. Thus, young people visit Vkontakte (people from 14 to 17 years). However, there are more serious topics on Facebook, such as: vehicles, consumer goods, banking and others.

The most popular social network in the world

Facebook - 1,4 billion
QZone (China) - 654 million
Google+ - 300 million
Instagram - 300 million
Twitter - 284 million

Слайд 10Promotion in social networks
Statistics in Kazakhstan
Social Networks, Facebook, and Фейсбук are

the most searched keywords in Yandex screen request. This data shows the audience coverage and the popularity of Facebook among people in Kazakhstan

Слайд 11Promotion in social networks
Facebook Statistics in Kazakhstan
The average length of time

spend on Facebook is l 30 minutes. statistics for January 2016 shows the information about users and number of messages sent.
Also according to statistics the most active people are between 25 and 34 years old

18-24 15,76%
25-34 46,08%
35-44 25,05%
45-54 10,06%
55- 3,06%
-18 0,01%

Слайд 12Promotion in social networks

Official Page Volkswagen Kazakhstan information about promotions, interesting

facts, information about dealerships, history of the brand, competitions...
Today in FB more then 6 000 Followers.

Activities in social network / Facebook

Слайд 13Our page: ‘‘Volkswagen Kazakhstan‘‘ –
more than 17 900 followers.
Description of goals: Brand promotion, brand recognition, associability of the brand with stars, increasing the loyalty. Opportunities: Photo and video session with the stars, information about promotions, promotion accessories…

Promotion in social networks
Activities in social network / Instagramm

Слайд 14Sponsorship of Undiscovered Kazakhstan
The project Undiscovered Kazakhstan aims to develop exciting

eco-tours to the stunning places of Kazakhstan.

The unique nature and culture of Kazakhstan has great potential for tourism development.

Importer plans to support the provision of equipment and also payment of jobs in the project.

The general direction and sponsorship budget in the process of finalizing.

The mountain tract Boszhira

The lake Kaindy

The Tamgaly sanctuary

Singing Dune

Слайд 15Sponsorship the Undiscovered Kazakhstan
Description of goals: Brand promotion, brand recognition, associability

of the brand with tourism.
Opportunities: Meet of potential customers with Volkswagen, Photo and video session, promotion through various channels of partners; DIGITAL, social media, print, radio, and tv.
Coverage: Approximate total coverage will be about 2 500 000 people across all channels of communication.

Pr -Company




Social media

Слайд 16Customer Satisfaction monitoring

Слайд 17Traffic monitoring / Weekly KPI´s
Till cw 53/2015 Jan/2016

Слайд 18Analysis of the main channels of communication

High level of promotional

Expansion of regional blocs is not planned = no growth for regional dissemination
Sellers major confrontation, competition for audience share and per share advertiser budgets
The audience's attention - 62,9%
Credilibility of the audience – 8,7%


The rapid growth of the Internet audience, mainly due to the regions
Growth of the mobile Internet and social networks. development
Advances in technology, new opportunities targeting evolution formats banners, custom projects
The audience's attention - 80%
Credilibility of the audience – 17,1%
Online communication is the optimal combination between the scope, the challenges and the cost of accommodation


Stagnation - reducing the number of publications and frequency issues in current publications
Decreased activity and demand in the luxury and business publications
The audience's attention - 18,4%
Credilibility of the audience – 4,5%


Stagnating budgets on major radio stations
Growth of regional distribution
The audience's attention - 26,8%
Credilibility of the audience – 8,9%

Source: TNS Gallup Media Asia, Adex, InfoSys, TNS-MMI,

Слайд 19Sales support 2016

Слайд 20According to the forecast Dentsu Aegis Network Kazakhstan Kazakhstan advertising market

will decrease by 17%.

In 2015 advertising market in Kazakhstan decreased by an average of 11%.

Hour spent per day:
According to research by TNS Gallup Media:
- 59% of people spend time watching TV
- 21% of people spend time on internet
- 17% to listen radio.
- 3% on the printed newspapers and magazines

Analysis of the main channels of communication

Source: TNS Gallup Media Asia, Adex, InfoSys, TNS-MMI,

Слайд 21Product Life-Cycle – Key actions in 2015-2016

Model All


New engine

LED-Daytime running lights
Soft door armrest

Alcantara seats
Windshield heating
Chrompackages Exterior
New Radios MIB Gen.2
New offer structure „Value“
GLI ex. Mex.
LED-daytime running lights

New Tiguan

KW-50 -?

Launch of new Tiguan 2016




Слайд 22Sales support 2016

Promotion on / www.newauto,kz/

Strict monitoring work with online

requests (sales managers dealers should invite each potential customer for a test drive, to provide complete information about the model, clearly follow the program STEPS SALES) – dealers report – SALES FUNNEL)

Update keywords to create pairs of keywords on competitors (for example, when searching for the Hyundai Accent users have the banner Polo Sedan)

Undiscovered Kazakhstan

Every quarter monitoring of radio & tv -channel to reach a larger audience

Dealer Support/ single image
Compensate expenses of dealers.



Zhannat Kuzekeeva
Alibek Keneshev

2. Alibek

3. Alibek Keneshev

4. Zhannat Kuzekeeva
5. Zhannat Kuzekeeva

6. Zhannat Kuzekeeva






Constant advertising on the most popular websites, increase in the index CTR , the emphasis on the German models, aggressive advertising market entry of new models

Constant contextual advertising in media networks GOOGLE & YANDEX + remarketing + RTF


TV advertizing
Radio advertizing

Outdoor/ Product Placement

Слайд 23
The first site most visited among of Kazakhstan sites
The weekly audience

of more than 1 000 000 users

The second place on popularity among automotive sites.
The weekly audience- 500 000 users

The biggest Internet search engine
Availability for all devices.

Ranking of sites and the number of visitors

The most visited site in Kazakhstan
The weekly audience of more than 2 300 000 users

Source: TNS Gallup Media Asia, Adex, InfoSys, TNS-MMI,

Слайд 24Accounting of online requests
Dealers provide a report at the request

of the Importer on a daily basis.
For 12 months in 2015 we received 6 600 requests

Слайд 25Accounting of requests from the Internet

Слайд 26

Outdoor advertising in Kazakhstan
some Examples:

Слайд 27Product Placement in Kazakhstan


Placement in Kazakhstan,
in a popular shopping

Single standard of branding cars
Accepting applications to test drive
Conducting promo- actions

Слайд 28Product Placement in Kazakhstan some Examples:
In most popular shopping centers, promoters receive

request for a test drive.

Слайд 29 Dealers Support

Single catalogs, brochures, leaflets…
Audio and video files
Internet banners
New images

Слайд 30Marketing plan Volkswagen Kazakhstan in 2016
Marketing Plan on Brand Promotion
Total marketing

budget - 329 916 UDS

Слайд 31Marketing plan Volkswagen Kazakhstan in 2016
Marketing Plan on Sales Support

Слайд 32Marketing plan Volkswagen Kazakhstan in 2016
Marketing Plan on Sales Support

Слайд 33Thank you!

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