Luxury Renovation Specialists. Home Selling Guide. Design Driven презентация

Слайд 1

Home Selling Guide

Luxury Renovation Specialists

Design Driven

Слайд 2Who Are We?
Luxury Renovation Specialists (LRS) passionately pursues our goal of

helping people find answers to their real estate needs. LRS provides buyers with homes that that are driven by design. For our investors, LRS provides safe and lucrative ROI.

When a passion for real estate is combined with talented individuals who have an uncompromising drive to succeed, amazing things will happen. At LRS, it’s our goal to not only have a positive effect on ourselves and our families - but also to inspire, motivate and create lasting change in everyone we encounter. We will treat our clients and team members with respect at all times.

Our company is dedicated to everlasting education and professional growth with a focus on improving the lives of those around us.

  Important Facts About LRS
Leading full service real estate solutions company in Florida,
Focused on providing solutions for clients and value for neighborhoods by renovating properties with an eye for original designs
Our goal is to provide the absolute highest level of service to our clients

Luxury Renovation Specialists, LLP is a professional, full service real estate solutions firm that renovates properties throughout Florida. We are excited to be part of different neighborhood’s renaissance and we aspire to continue contributing to the economic rejuvenation of your community and neighborhood.


Слайд 3Property Showcase
Here are just a few examples past rehab projects:



Слайд 4Luxury Logos - examples

Слайд 5Possible option: combine 2 concepts below

Luxury Renovation Specialists


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