Basic income. The party презентация

Слайд 1The party

Слайд 2Are you tired of afraid for their future?
Today, fewer and fewer

people required for the production of goods and services!
Every day more and more people are reduced !

Слайд 3Are you tired of economize?

Слайд 4We are for a worthy life!

Слайд 5We promise:
we guarantee a basic income

we will eliminate inequality and poverty


ghostly benefits - of 30 000 rubles real money

Слайд 6The money will be allocated at the expense of redistribution of

funds from social programs and taxes.

Every person from birth should receive a share of the public wealth.

It should not depend on his abilities, needs and contribution to the economy.

How can this be?

We can do what is interesting!

You no longer need to be afraid of dismissal !

It does not depend on the presence of other income !

Слайд 7What do you need?
Only to be a citizen of Russia!

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