“Engaging in Social Selling” Koka Sexton Sr. Social Marketing Manager, LinkedIn презентация

Слайд 1“Engaging in Social Selling”

Koka Sexton
Sr. Social Marketing Manager, LinkedIn
How to Plan,

Develop & Optimize
A Content Marketing Program for Tech

Слайд 2You are the CEO of ME Inc.

Слайд 5“Visibility creates opportunities.”

Слайд 6Marketing & sales working together, complementing each other’s efforts,
to listen to

& engage with prospects using social media & networks to generate leads & execute sales.

Social marketing & selling

Social Marketing

Social Selling

Слайд 7Marketing & Sales – The Old Paradigm

Marketing Team
Sales Team

Buyer’s Journey

Слайд 8Marketing & Sales – A New Paradigm


Marketing Team
Sales Team
Buyer’s Journey

Слайд 9Change your philosophy
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know

nothing. - Socrates

Слайд 10Social buying:
Leveraging professional networks for buying support to increase confidence

in decision-making

Слайд 11Source: IDC White Paper Sponsored by LinkedIn, "Social Buying Meets Social

How Trusted Networks Improve the Purchase Experience" #247829, April 2014
For all respondents, n = 760

of C-Level and VP-level buyers use social media for B2B purchase decisions

Social buying is widely practiced among B2B decision makers, especially C-level and VP-level executives

of all buyers use social media for B2B purchase decisions

Слайд 12Average spend of
non-social buyers
Average spend of social buyers
Compared with other

B2B buyers, buyers who use social media for purchasing spend 84% more per purchase

Source: IDC White Paper Sponsored by LinkedIn, "Social Buying Meets Social Selling:
How Trusted Networks Improve the Purchase Experience" #247829, April 2014
For all respondents, n = 760

Слайд 13Social buyers also make 61% more purchases on average than buyers

who don’t use social

# of purchases made by non-social buyers

# of purchases made by social buyers

Source: IDC White Paper Sponsored by LinkedIn, "Social Buying Meets Social Selling:
How Trusted Networks Improve the Purchase Experience" #247829, April 2014
For all respondents, n = 760

Слайд 14And social buyers have a higher level of company influence than

purchasers who do not use social media

Source: IDC White Paper Sponsored by LinkedIn, "Social Buying Meets Social Selling:
How Trusted Networks Improve the Purchase Experience" #247829, April 2014
For all respondents, n = 760

of non-social buyers make purchases for their entire company, business unit, or multiple departments

of social buyers make purchases for their entire company, business unit, or multiple departments

Слайд 15Sales professionals can partner more effectively with social buyers by increasing

social proximity, presence, and capital

Social proximity
Grow social networks and contribute to conversations.

Social presence
Manage a professional identity that is credible, authentic, accurate, information-rich, and service oriented.

Social capital
Do your social homework to ensure relevancy before you reach out and facilitate peer-to-peer recommendations.

Слайд 16B2B Purchasers- Likelihood to Engage
We refer to engage as setting

aside time to understand how this sales professional’s service or product would meet your business needs (i.e. responding to their outreach or accepting a meeting invitation). How likely are you to engage with this person if they…?






More likely to engage vs. cold outreach

Слайд 17
Buyers have 22X more favorable impression if sales professionals are introduced

vs. if they reach out cold.

92% of B2B buyers would be more likely to engage with sales professionals who are known thought leaders in the industry.

85% of B2B buyers have a better impression of sales professionals who provide insights or knowledge.

86% of B2B Buyers engage with sales professionals if they provide insights or knowledge about the industry.

#1 reason why B2B buyers don’t engage with sales professionals is because their product or service is not relevant to their company.

B2B buyers are 4X more likely to engage if a sales professional is informed of the buyer’s role in the company.

Слайд 18Leverage Relationships From serendipity to science

Слайд 19Definition of Social Selling
Leveraging your professional brand to fill your pipeline

with the right people, insights and relationships.

Слайд 20SSI leaders are 51% more likely to hit quota than SSI


more opportunities

more likely to hit quota

Based on a global study LinkedIn ran in Q4 2013 of Q3 performance for reps focused on new business and reps focused on existing business. Respondents reported performance; they were matched to their LinkedIn profiles to understand their SSI.SSI leaders have an SSI > 70; SSI laggards have an SSI < 30

Why is social selling important?

Слайд 21Companies should be empowering and enabling their teams to be successful.

Слайд 22Think like a publisher
Turn your employee’s into the distributors

Слайд 23Add Rich Media to Employee Profiles
Leverage your employee’s profiles to distribute


Initially sent in batches
Incremental updates as needed

Слайд 24Use your status
updates to promote
your network

Слайд 25Use your status
updates to inform
your network
Industry news
Relevant content

Слайд 26Your network
Is your business.

Слайд 27Sales reps that that exceed quota have their updates engaged 98%

more than laggards

more engagement

Engagements received

Based on a global study LinkedIn ran in Q4 2013 of Q3 performance for reps focused on new business and reps focused on existing business. Respondents reported performance; they were matched to their LinkedIn profiles to understand their SSI.SSI leaders have an SSI > 70; SSI laggards have an SSI < 30

Why sharing is important?

Слайд 28Lessons Learned
You are the CEO of ME Inc.
Buyers are using social

media to make decisions
Social Selling is about building relationships
Educate your connections

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