The thinks you can think if only you try… Shelli Walsh, ShellShock Ltd презентация


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The thinks you can think if only you try…

Shelli Walsh, ShellShock Ltd

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“Think left and think right and think low and think high.

Oh, the thinks you can think if only you try.”
Dr Suess

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Learning thinking skills will improve: data analysis, ad words campaigns, ideas

for content creation, ways to approach outreach, ways to find new sources of traffic and ways to raise the revenue and success of a website – because that's what we are all here for, right?

Слайд 4Source:
Children have brilliant creative minds naturally and unashamedly…

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“Creativity is not a talent, it’s a way of operating.”


Credit: screen shot from Monty Python’s Flying Circus TV Show

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Until you have learnt the fundamentals and know how to do

something the right way, it’s very difficult to do it to your best ability

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Understanding how to think will drastically improve your creativity.

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Vertical thinking
Traditional thinking
Stops at first solution

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Lateral thinking
Removing preconception
Being wrong before being right
Open to all ideas

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I recommend reading this book to learn more…

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We need copying to build a foundation of knowledge and understanding.

Слайд 13© Jim Davis
Copying cartoons, like Garfield, was a foundation for developing

my illustration skills. I then progressed to find my own unique style.

Слайд 14I think I was getting pretty good after a few years…

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Getting into the right state is essential for reaching our full

Our states can be open or closed.
Being closed, stressed or under pressure usually inhibits creative thinking.

Слайд 16Dopamine
research would indicate that the best environments in which to incubate

creativity are:

Always carry a notebook

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Any activity where we are relaxed yet focused on a mundane

function and not thinking is our sweet spot for ideas:
In the shower Exercising Cooking Listening to music Driving Swimming

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Removing yourself from the usual place of work will remove yourself

from distraction, help the brain to break pattern which in turn will switch into a more receptive state for ideas:
Coffee shop The library A hotel Or even a camper van…

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Obligatory Breaking Bad shot…

Слайд 21It is estimated there are 295 exabytes of information in the


This equals 315 times the amount of sand in the world

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There are no new ideas.

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Combinations of old ideas are where new ideas are created.
Take an

existing product and improve it, add a unique twist to it or combine it with another.

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The very first mobile phone to contain a camera was released

in Japan, in 2000 by J-Phone

After someone connected a digital camera and a mobile phone as an added feature to sell more phones

Слайд 25Ideas wall
An ideas wall is a technique used to help

make connections between random bits of information

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Read this in-depth article to learn how to make an ideas


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My advice above all else is to read as widely as

possible as I believe this feeds a creative mind more than any other activity.
You get out what you put in…

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“Great minds ask great questions”
Michael J. Gelb, Think Like Da


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What? Why? Where? How? Who? When?
Always be asking:

Слайд 32Source:

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The brain is a muscle. Scientific evidence shows that synapses forge

physical channels through the brain which become stronger and more deeply ingrained the more an action is repeated.

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Through repeated thinking skills you can become more creative.

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Ten Ideas exercise…
Waiters pad
List ten ideas
Train your brain
Every. Day.

Слайд 38Source: Airplane The Movie ©Paramount Pictures
Voicing an idea is like a

fear of flying – a leap of faith

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Perhaps the most terrifying thing humans can expose ourselves too is

the potential public humiliation of saying: ‘this is what I think… this is what I believe…’

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Get out of your comfortable cage and push yourself

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Ideas + action = creativity

Слайд 42Source:

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The key to creativity is:
Learning the skill
State & Environment
Making connections
Feeding the

Overcoming fear

Слайд 44Source: StarWars © George Lucas
“Do. Or do not. There is no

try. ”

(Yoda voice optional)

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Thought provoking short articles and practical tips about being more creative

to improve your online campaigns:
Sign-up for the weekly newsletter and get the free ebook at:

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Shelli Walsh ShellShock Ltd

Creative online campaigns to engage and produce measureable results

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