Free 2-hour Hangout with Mari Smith: February 24th, 2014 Welcome! Hashtag: #sps14 Q&A: how to ask questions: Facebook Comments Google+ (or YouTube) презентация

Overview The new social landscape Social media overwhelm Data overload Solutions! 3-Step System Facebook marketing challenges Facebook vanity metrics vs. ROI Hiring Community Managers Instagram Twitter growth tactics

Слайд 1Free 2-hour Hangout with Mari Smith: February 24th, 2014
Hashtag: #sps14

how to ask questions:
Facebook Comments
Google+ (or YouTube)

Слайд 2Overview
The new social landscape
Social media overwhelm
Data overload
3-Step System
Facebook marketing challenges
Facebook vanity

metrics vs. ROI
Hiring Community Managers
Twitter growth tactics

Слайд 3The new social landscape
Cannot silo Facebook
2014 = integration, multiple channels
Facebook is

You need a solid FOUNDATION
…and a solid PLAN!

Слайд 4See:

Слайд 5Social Media OVERWHELM

Слайд 6Data Overload
“90% of data in the world today has been created

within the last two years.”

Source: IBM

Слайд 7Your BIGGEST Social Media CHALLENGE?

Слайд 9Solution:

Слайд 10In stillness,
I find my true self.
~Deepak Chopra

Слайд 11Entrepreneurship…
“Entrepreneurship done right is not about building a successful company, it’s

about building a successful life.” ~Jonathan Fields

Слайд 12Prize drawing!
Signed book by Mari!

Слайд 163-Step System:
Create + curate

Слайд 17Content Curation Tools

Слайд 18Facebook “Fraud?”
Facebook ad failure = USER error, not Facebook error

Слайд 19Facebook Ad Relevancy
“Last quarter I talked about our efforts to grow

our business through improving the quality of our ads rather than just increasing the quantity. Our goal is to reach a point where the ads are as relevant and timely as the content your friends share with you.” ~Mark Zuckerberg Source:

Слайд 20Biggest Facebook marketing challenge?
① Reaching more of the fans you have

(organically). ② Growing a larger fanbase (more likes) of targeted, quality prospects. ③ Understanding and optimizing the variety of Facebook ad options, including retargeting. ④ Getting better results from the Facebook ads you are placing (including promoted posts). ⑤ Consistently coming up with content that your fans love. ⑥ Finding the sweet spot of post frequency so you can stay in the News Feed... but without annoying your fans. ⑦ Sparking better engagement on your posts (more LCS: likes, comments, shares). ⑧ Driving fans/visitors to your website. ⑨ Effective ways of capturing email addresses of your fans. ⑩ Understanding your metrics (Insights) so you can adjust your strategy. ⑪ Making better use of the Offers feature. ⑫ Allocating resources to help build community and respond to fan questions/comments promptly. ⑬ Integrating Facebook marketing with other platforms and social media activity. ⑭ Keeping on top of the constant changes on Facebook. ⑮ Other - please state.

Слайд 21Facebook Likes + PTAT
Vanity metrics!
…unless you can connect directly to ROI?

Слайд 22Get Relevant Fans
“The number of Facebook fans you have, in and

of itself, means very little. But make no mistake: The number of relevant Facebook fans who care about your brand means everything.” ~Jon Loomer

Слайд 23Suggested Facebook goals/metrics
more traffic to your website
growth in email subscribers

higher appearance on SERPs (search engine results pages)
increase in click through rate
increase in conversion rate to paying clients
increase in revenue
improved customer satisfaction
increase in brand sentiment
better ad performance
improved ROI on social media time and money invested
increase in word of mouth referrals
increase in high-star reviews
more foot traffic into your store

Слайд 24Prize drawing!
Signed book by Mari!

Слайд 25Example Facebook Pages!
Sir Richard Branson
Fiona Childs
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Chalene Johnson
Your page here?


Слайд 26Engagement
Online community manager
One of the ABSOLUTE BEST investments!

Слайд 27Socially Devoted
“The current industry benchmark allows for a response time of

around 19.2 hours, which is an improvement compared to Q1’s response time, which was more than 22 hours. We advise brands to try to respond within 30 minutes. Depending on the nature of your service, you may want to consider 24/7 support.” ~Jan Rezab, CEO

Слайд 287 Criteria for Hiring Online Community Managers

Слайд 29~Maya Angelou

I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will

forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them


Слайд 30Conversion
“Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”

Слайд 31Ask for the sale!
“If I was to buy everything you offer

– how much would it cost me and what would I get for my money?” ~Mari Smith

Слайд 32Prize drawing!
Signed book by Mari!

Слайд 33Instagram Marketing!
Rock Stars on Instagram:

Слайд 34Twitter Growth Tactics ROCKS!

Слайд 35Social Profit System – summary:
Clarity on your vision & goals
Systems, team,

Content (create + curate)
Consistent, quality, relevant, timely. Test. Test. Test!
Rock star community manager(s)!
Give, give, give – ask.
It’s okay to ask for the sale!

Слайд 368-week online training course
In-depth online marketing
Get solid, measurable social media

Plus, be a part of Mari’s new Facebook Page

Слайд 37WIN a Social Media Makeover!
First 101 orders: 3 winners drawn at


Слайд 38“The very best thing you can do for the whole world

is to make the most of yourself.” ~Wallace Wattles

Слайд 39”How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment to

improve the world.” ~Anne Frank

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