So, Do You Think You Have Asperger's Syndrome презентация

So, do you think you have Asperger’s Syndrome?

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So, do you think you have Asperger’s Syndrome?

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The History Of Asperger’s Syndrome
Asperger ‘s Syndrome (AS), an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is

a relatively new diagnosis in the field of autism. It was named in honor of Hans Asperger (1906–80), an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician. An English psychiatrist, Lorna Wing, popularized the term "Asperger's syndrome" in a 1981 publication; the first book in English on Asperger Syndrome was written by Uta Frith in 1991 and the condition was subsequently recognized in formal diagnostic manuals later in the 1990s.

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Things Asperger’s Syndrome / Autism Is Not
Autism is not mental retardation.

Some autistic people may be very intelligent. There is a lot evidence that Albert Einstein may have been autistic.
Autism is not “savant” syndrome. Some autistic people are “savants”, (instant calculator, etc.) but most are not. Other autistic people are “gifted”, however, and have high “general” intelligence. Many autistic people have normal intelligence, and some may be retarded.
Autism is not an emotional problem. Autism is a neurological condition which people are usually born with. Psychological trauma doesn’t cause it.
Autism is not a psychosis or lack of reality contact.
People do not choose to be autistic.
Autism is not “a fate worse than death.” Autistic people have some disadvantages, but some live very happy and rewarding lives. Many autistic people wouldn’t want to be “cured”, as this would be like erasing them and replacing them with different people.

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Asperger’s Syndrome In The News
Most times when a story goes viral

from bullying, poverty, homelessness, and even mass shootings. Sometimes the person covered has Asperger’s Syndrome.

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Asperger’s Syndrome In The News
During the school shooting committed by Adam

Lanza, some people left some bad comments about Asperger’s Syndrome on Geek Alabama.

Exact same behavior displayed by serial killers, psychopaths, mass murderers, and children who shoot up schools. Asperger’s Syndrome is evil, pure evil, and from the devil!
Try curing the real disease, autism, and not the NRA.
It’s autism and America needs to have a serious discussion about how to treat this disorder so we don’t have these mass shootings.
There is this really, really weird teenager in my church. He has Asperger’s. Yesterday I reported his odd behavior to the police. It’s worth reporting this kid to the authorities now that I know how dangerous this disorder can be.
Yeah, well my cousin works with autistic kids and adults and she said they’re violent people and copy everything they see on TV. These monsters needs to be locked up, ALL OF THEM, before this happens again.
I won’t let my kids hang out with one of their friends, because this kid has Asperger’s Syndrome, I’m concerned.
Enough of this politically correct nonsense with mainstreaming autistic kids. The inevitable bullying of these autistic youths is a recipe for breeding more Adam Lanza’s. Institute aggressive mental health screenings, bring back psychiatric facilities that would have kept Adam Lazna locked up, and fund research to detect genetic defects.

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Asperger’s Syndrome In The News
And yes, some people looks at me

as being very weird. Some people have even called the police on me for being weird and walking down the side of the road.

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Asperger’s Syndrome / Autism Numbers
Today, more people are being diagnosed with

Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism thanks to better techniques to find the traits of autism in people.

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The Characteristics of Asperger’s Syndrome

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Here are some characteristics of someone who might have Asperger’s Syndrome.

Remember, some of these characteristics might not apply to everyone. And every person with Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism has different characteristics. If you or someone you know thinks they have Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism, get a diagnosis from a professional.

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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Difficulty in accepting criticism and/or being corrected.
Strongly like, or strongly dislike

certain things, for example, certain foods.
Acting in a somewhat immature manner.
Difficulty in correcting someone else for mistakes without appearing to be insensitive or harsh.
Sometimes appearing shy or withdrawn, but willing to speak when spoken to.
Clumsiness and balancing difficulties.
Difficulty sleeping.
Sarcastic, negative, emotionally numb, very criticizing.
Low or no participation in conferences, group meetings, etc.
Great concern about personal working area.
Problems addressing others due to issues with trust.
Intense concern for privacy.

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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Difficulty in distinguishing intimate relationships from friendships.
Difficulty working as a “team.”

to no sense of humor.
Writing lists to stay on schedule when things get hectic.
Very weird sense of humor, sometimes not found very humorous by others.
Lacking in ability to greet others in a warm and friendly manner.
Uneasiness with completing a project for fear of failure.
Lacking in ability to show compassion, sympathy, and sincere happiness.
Shows little to no reaction when being criticized or patronized.

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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Difficulty accepting compliments.
Difficulty maintaining eye contact.
Difficulty starting projects.
Interrupting in the middle

of a conversation.
Extreme reaction to a schedule change or routine.
Repetitive behaviors, and if the step-by-step scheduled routine is interrupted it causes confusion and sometimes anger.
Certain preferences of personal items, such as always picking the same clothes in stores when making a new purchase, using the same blanket, not wanting to throw away a particular pair of shoes.
Easily manipulated.
Lacking initiation when in groups.

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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Not being able to determine public and personal and public hygiene,

for instance, someone may pick their nose, clean their ears in front of others without realizing most people don’t do those things in public areas.
Very verbal, blunt.
Raising of voice during stressful and frustrating situations.
Difficulty hiding true emotions such as anger and sadness.
Lacking in the ability to relax from activities.
Verbalizing strongly on likes and dislikes.
No interest in tasks that doesn’t draw personal interest.
Almost always totally serious.
Difficulty in determining how someone else would feel given the same situation.
Quick tempered.

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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Having a different way of playing games with others, and is

sometimes taken the wrong way.
Fixating on really bad or really good experiences.
Difficulty with constant anxiety, worried about performance and being accepted, despite commendation and special recognition.
Limits one’s self with pursued interests without thinking of other things that can be explored.
Confusion during stress.
Repetitive simple routines.
Nail biting, fidgeting, nervousness, and anxiety.
Strong sensitivity to sound, light, some tastes, odors, and colors.
Difficulty expressing emotion.

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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A need for finishing one task before starting another.
Difficulty in determining

time limits.
Constantly asking of questions.
Difficulty with negotiation.
Does things without thinking them out well first, or considering consequences.
Mental shutdown, or total burst of anger when “pinned in the corner” so to speak.
Often viewed as vulnerable by not responding when being harassed by classmates or co-workers.
Difficulty concentrating to write essays, reports, etc.
Difficulty talking to classmates or co-workers as “pals.”
Very low assertiveness in topics not interested in.

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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Very easily distracted.
Self-injuring behaviors.
Difficulty in starting or changing conversations.
Thinking of a

“one track mind” type basis.
Person tends to have unusual sensory experiences.
Might feel like the person is “sidelined.”
Might feel depressed or have low self-esteem.
Difficulty in reading social cues.
Difficulty in recognizing other people “face-blind.”
Don’t understand many of the basic social assumptions that others take for granted.
Takes a question or statement in a very literal or unusual way.
Difficulty communicating and pronouncing words.
Needs extra time to process questions or comments.
Tends to not see things as “connected.”

The Characteristics Of Asperger’s

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Best Jobs For People With Asperger’s

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Bad Jobs For People With Asperger’s
Cashier – making change quickly puts

too much demand on short-term working memory.
Short Order Cook – Have to keep track of many orders and cook many different things at the same time.
Waitress – Especially difficult if have to keep track of many different tables.
Casino Dealer – Too many things to keep track of.
Taxi Dispatcher – Too many things to keep track of.
Taking Oral Dictation – Difficult due to auditory processing problems.
Airline Ticket Agent – Deal with angry people when flights are cancelled.
Future Market Trader – Totally impossible.
Air Traffic Controller – Information overload and stress.
Receptionist / Telephone Operator – Would have problems when the switch board got busy.

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Good Jobs For Visual Thinkers
Computer Programming – Wide-open field with many

jobs available especially in industrial automation, software design, business computers, communications, and network systems.
Drafting – Engineering drawings and computer aided drafting. This job can offer many opportunities.
Commercial Art – Advertising and magazine layout can be done as freelance work.
Photography – Still and video, TV cameraman can be done as freelance work.
Equipment Designing – Many industries, often a person starts as a draftsman and then moves into designing equipment.
Animal Trainer / Veterinary Technician – Dog obedience trainer, behavior problem consultant.
Automobile Mechanic – Can visualize how the entire car works.

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Good Jobs For Visual Thinkers
Computer Troubleshooter and Repair – Can visualize

problems in computers and networks.
Small Appliance and Lawnmower Repair – Be a nice business.
Handcrafts – Wood craving, jewelry making, ceramics, etc.
Laboratory Technician – Who modifies and builds specialized lab equipment.
Web Page Design – Find a good niche market, can be done as freelance work.
Building Trades – Carpenter or welder. These jobs make good use of visual skills, not good for some people.
Video Game Designer – Very few jobs in this field, more jobs available in industrial, communications business, and computer programming.
Computer Animation – Visual thinkers would be good in this field. But few jobs are available.

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Good Jobs For Visual Thinkers
Building Maintenance – Fixes broken pipes, windows,

and other things in an apartment complex, hotel, office building.
Factory Maintenance – Repairs and fixes factory equipment.

Good Jobs For Non-Visual Thinkers

Accounting – Get very good in specialized field.
Library Science / Librarian – Help people find information in library or the internet.
Computer Programming – Less visual types can be done as freelance work.
Engineering – Electrical, electronic, chemical engineering.
Journalist – Very accurate facts, can be done as freelance.
Copy Editor – Corrects manuscripts. Many people freelance for larger publishers.
Taxi Driver – Knows where every street is.

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Inventory Control – Keeps track of merchandise stocked in a store.

Pianos / Musical Equipment – Can be done as freelance work.
Laboratory Technician – Running laboratory equipment.
Bank Teller – Accurate money counting, much less demand on short-term working memory.
Clerk and Filing Jobs – Knows where every file is.
Telemarketing – Gets to repeat the same thing over and over again, selling on the telephone.
Statistician – Work in many different fields such as research, census bureau, quality control, etc.
Physicist or Mathematician – Very few jobs in this field. Only the very brilliant can get and keep jobs.

Good Jobs For Non-Visual Thinkers

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Reshelving Library Books – Memorize the entire numbering system and shelf

Factory Assembly Work – Especially if the environment is quiet.
Copy Shop – Running Photocopies.
Janitor Jobs – Cleaning floors, toilets, windows, offices.
Restocking Shelves – In many types of stores.
Recycling Plant – Sorting Jobs.
Warehouse – Loading trucks, stacking boxes.
Lawn and Garden Work – Mowing laws, landscaping work.
Data Entry – If person has fine motor problems, bad job.
Fast-Food Restaurant – Cleaning and cooking jobs with little demand on short-term memory.
Plant Care – Water plants in large office building.

Good Jobs For Non-Verbal People

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Famous People Today With Asperger’s
Clay Marzo
Alexis Wineman
Alex Plank

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My Conquest With Asperger’s
I am wanting to become one of the

best writers, photographers, videographers, and media people with Asperger’s Syndrome. I think I am doing a good job!

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My Conquest With Asperger’s
I knew I was different throughout life. I

got the official diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome / High Functioning Autism in late 2006, but nothing has changed!

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In Closing

Aspies are people like you and me. We are

not mutants, sub-human, dangerous and violent people, and are not from the Devil. We just want to be accepted for what we are, thanks for reading!

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