Lost Your Keys Again?8 Tips for Finding Misplaced Objects. презентация

Слайд 1Lost Your Keys Again? 8 Tips for Finding Misplaced Objects.

Слайд 2Sumathi Reddy wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal that had a great

series of tips about how to find a lost object.

Слайд 3Apparently — and this is no surprise — the most commonly

misplaced possessions are: cell phone, keys, sunglasses, purse, umbrella, bank card, tablet, documents (that’s a little broad), and wallet. The average person loses up to nine objects every day.

Слайд 4The article included these tips from Michael Solomon’s How to Find Lost


Слайд 5Don’t look for it yet — wait until you have some idea where it

might be.

Слайд 6Look where it’s supposed to be — It’s surprising how often you overlook

something, or don’t look quite carefully enough, to see that an object is pretty much where it’s supposed to be.

Слайд 7Repeat the name of the object as you search for it.

Слайд 8Check to see if it’s somehow hidden in its proper place.

Слайд 9Look carefully and systematically — don’t just rummage around (which is very


Слайд 10Note: objects are usually found within eighteen inches of their original location.
This sounds

impossible, but
I’ve found this to be
uncannily accurate.

Слайд 11Be philosophical. Most things eventually turn up. True. But, I feel compelled

to note, they don’t always turn up in time!

Слайд 12I would add a tip of my own: Clean up — this is very effective. Plus,

even though I’m annoyed by having to look for something, having a tidier environment cheers me up.

Слайд 13Also, here are two of my tips for never losing something

in the first place — beyond the familiar “put things away in the same place.”

Слайд 14Counter-intuitively, it’s easier and also more fun and satisfying to put

something away in an exact place, like “the basket on the third shelf of the coat closet” rather than “in the closet.”

As much as possible, put things away in an exact, rather than an approximate, place.

Слайд 15If you see something that’s obviously out of place, don’t absent-mindedly

think, “Hmm, I wonder why someone put a cell phone in the bathroom cabinet?” but move it — either to where it belongs, or at least to a place where it’s very conspicuous. So many times I’ve raged to myself, “I saw that thing in some unexpected place, and I sort of noticed how weird it was to find it there…but where was it?”

Слайд 16Download My Free Habits Manifesto
Learn more tips for a happier life and

healthier habits at GretchenRubin.com


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