HCA Surges Thanks to Obamacare презентация

HCA Holdings Inc. "Results for the second quarter of 2014 exceeded our internal expectations, both in terms of core operations and healthcare reform," said CEO R. Milton Johnson.

Слайд 1HCA Surges Thanks to Obamacare

Слайд 2HCA Holdings Inc.

"Results for the second quarter of 2014 exceeded our

internal expectations, both in terms of core operations and healthcare reform," said CEO R. Milton Johnson.

Слайд 3Driving HCA’s surprising surge
Second quarter sales will total $9.23 billion.
Up from

$8.45 billion last year.
Admissions at facilities open at least a year grew by 1.2%.
Higher admissions tied to reform driven enrollment expansion and an improving economy.
Revenue per equivalent admission grew 5.4%.

Слайд 4Driving HCA’s surprising surge
Second quarter net income will total $904 million.

from $806 million last year.
EPS will be $1.07.
Up from $0.91 last year and ahead of $0.92 analyst estimates.
Positively impacted by falling unreimbursed care thanks to Medicaid and exchange insurance enrollment.

Слайд 5Driving HCA’s surprising surge
Reform will boost adjusted EBITDA by between 2%

and 3% this year.
Above its prior outlook for a 1% to 2% benefit.

Слайд 6Driving HCA’s surprising surge
Better than expected results prompt management to bump

up full year guidance.
Revenue is expected to total $36 billion to $36.5 billion.
EPS is expected to be between $4 and $4.25.
Significant increase from prior $3.45 to $3.75 guidance.

Слайд 7Driving HCA’s surprising surge
Guidance improves valuation.
Pre guidance P/E of between 15.12

and 16 (not including today’s move).
Post guidance P/E of between 13.8 and 12.99 (not including today’s move).
Suggests upside from current 2017 EPS estimates for $4.96.

Слайд 8Fool-worthy thoughts
Full results will be reported on July 29th.
Admission and pricing

supports results for Tenet Healthcare.
Reform enrollment likely reduced bad debt expense.
8 million public exchange enrollees and 6 million new Medicaid enrollees boost care demand.
Supports investment in outpatient facilities.
Urgent care and stand-alone ER’s.
Capital expenditure forecast is unchanged at $2.2 billion.
Analyst upward revisions likely.

Слайд 9Six stock picks poised for incredible growth
Six stock picks poised for

incredible growth

Six stock picks poised for incredible growth

Crush non-dividend investors over the long haul.

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