Clinical Governance in Healthcare презентация

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Member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council 60 countries, 170+


Слайд 365 senior healthcare leaders from 30 countries

Слайд 465 senior healthcare leaders from 30 countries

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10 characteristics of clinical and operational excellence

Слайд 6In-depth interviews with leading providers and regulators
The Mayo Clinic, USA
Fortis Hospitals,

Jordan Specialty Hospital
Helios Kliniken, Germany
Sick Kids, Canada
Salford Royal Foundation Trust, UK
...followed by four round-table discussions with more of the world’s leading organisations

University Hospital Birmingham, UK
King's College Hospital, UK
Changi General Hospital, Singapore
Intermountain Healthcare, USA
The General Medical Council UK

A global perspective on clinical governance – we brought together 43 global healthcare leaders from 12 countries





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We identified the four building blocks of a ‘high-reliability’ organisation:

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Methodically measuring care outcomes
Understanding the key drivers of these outcomes
Understanding how

to make these outcomes best in class
Systematically preventing avoidable harm to patients

“More hand-offs, more errors”

Even at seemingly low error rates per step, processes with multiple steps have unacceptably high error rates.

Source: System changes to improve patient safety, Nolan, T W., British Medical Journal, 320, 771-3, 2000

“Being in control ”

“Being in control ”

Слайд 10The journey towards a high-reliability organisation
No real Board oversight of quality;

outcomes are not uniformly measured; responsibility is poorly-defined

Attention to quality is becoming more systemic; progress depends on systems, not individuals; measurement of outcomes is common but not standard

Key outcomes routinely reported; blame-free learning approach; a culture intolerant of breaking basic rules; clear individual responsibility & accountability

Probably only required in the most high-risk environments: ICU, theatres, A&E


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Mary Jo Haddad, Former President and CEO, SickKids Hospital, Toronto

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Building block 1: a culture devoted to quality

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The ‘concrete floor’ is the separation between clinical and managerial perspectives

in most health care providers – financial and operational on one hand, clinical value for the patient on the other

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Building block 2: responsibility and accountability
Without a clear vision of how

to use them, even the best metrics are of little value

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In the UK, the Quality Governance Framework tests the ‘robustness’ of

quality governance in providers

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A mixture of announced and unannounced inspections, focusing on 5 domains:

Care Quality Commission – the UK quality regulator

Setting standards of quality and safety
Monitoring, inspecting and reporting publicly on performance
In-depth investigations looking at care across the whole system.

The Care Quality Commission – the UK quality regulator

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Building block 3: optimising and standardising processes

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Intermountain Healthcare – saving lives, reducing costs
Intermountain Healthcare introduced standard workflow

guidelines, and measured outcomes. They made dramatic
and continuous improvements:

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Building block 4: measurement
The world’s leading healthcare organizations share an obsession

with measurement: state-of-the-art dashboards, process and outcome measures, many of which in real time.

Quality and safety

Productivity and efficiency

Financial performance

They also seek to benchmark themselves internationally, to learn from best practice around the world.

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System governance
Many healthcare leaders see tension between a wealth of external

requests for measurement – which they often feel measure the wrong things – and their own internal drive for excellence

Слайд 22The first in our ‘What Works’ series..
Creating new value with patients,

carers and communities

For more information, visit

Слайд 23© 2014 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member

of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG
International provides no client services.

The KPMG name, logo and “cutting through complexity” are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

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