I BELIEVE I CAN FLY презентация


“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Anaïs Nin

How to use your brain to surpass


Слайд 2
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as

we are.”

Anaïs Nin

Слайд 3Since the day men came out of their caverns.

Слайд 4They have been able to create a lot of amazing things.

Слайд 5They have designed powerful computers to create more and more amazing


Слайд 6As of today, even the most powerful computer is yet less

powerful than our brain.

Слайд 7
Our brain is able to achieve wonderful things.

Слайд 8
However, most people don’t know how to make the most of


Слайд 9This story will explain you how to use your brain to

surpass yourself.

Слайд 10
Our amazing brain.
Chapter One

Слайд 11There are over 100 billion neurons in our brain, all interconnected.

Слайд 12Neurons are in either one of two states : on or


Слайд 13
The state of the neuron depends on
The state of its neighbors.

strength of the link with its neighbors.

Слайд 14
When we gather information from the Outside world…

Слайд 15Some neurons at the edge of our body are activated, depending

on the stimuli.

Слайд 16Information is transmitted through nerves to the brain and activates a

specific network of neurons.

Слайд 17The same network of neurons will be activated, whether you see

an apple or think about an apple.

This is also true for your internal activities.

Слайд 18
Our perception of reality results from the succession of activated neuronal


First Take away

Слайд 19The various neuronal networks activated in our brain represent our knowledge.

Слайд 20They have been built progressively through our personal experiences.

Слайд 21
Our perception of reality and our thinking are based on our

own unique experiences.

Second Take away

Слайд 22There is too much information coming from the Outside World.

Слайд 23Consequently, we only select some known clues and trust our brain

to extrapolate reality from these clues, based on our prejudices.

Слайд 24
The reality we perceive mainly derives from our prejudices.
Third Take away

Слайд 25Neither our brain, nor our neurons are able to manage uncertainties.

Слайд 26When we catch something from the outside world, it must match

one of the neuronal networks stored in our brain.

Слайд 27
Otherwise, the brain adopts one of two strategies.
Or it integrates the

new piece of information in its knowledge database by modifying the related neuronal network.

Either it ignores it.

Слайд 28Here it will be really amazing !!!

Слайд 29

we modify an neuronal network and create new connections with other


When we learn something or experience something new,

Слайд 30The mind creates matter !!!

Слайд 31
All knowledge can be acquired, any behavior can be improved. We

are free to build the reality we want.

Fourth Take away

Слайд 32The connection between two neurons works like a wire conducting electricity.

Слайд 33The conductivity of this wire depends on its use.

Слайд 34
At first, conductivity is low and it requires a lot of

efforts to integrate new neurons into the network.

Слайд 35Then, through repetition, conductivity increases and less effort is required to

assimilate knowledge.

Слайд 36
Eventually, conductivity is high enough for new knowledge to be assimilated


Слайд 37
Habits can be changed and skills acquired through repetition.
Fifth Take away

Слайд 38As part of an experiment in psychology, people were asked to

learn row of figures in different conditions.

Слайд 39People obtained significantly better results when they had to recall the

figures in the same conditions as when they learned them.

Слайд 40In this way, when we memorize new knowledge, we also remember

its context, which we associate with knowledge

Слайд 41
When we establish new connections for new knowledge, we also integrate

its context .

Sixth Take away

Слайд 42
The brain is connected to every muscle in our body.

Слайд 43The neuronal networks in our brain both represent our perception of

the world and determine our body language.

Слайд 44Humans are social animals. For ages, they have learnt how to

read their peers’ body language and adapt to meet their expectations.

Слайд 45
People’s behaviors are influenced by the neuronal networks of your brain.

Take away

Слайд 46
Chapter Two

Слайд 47
Be Tolerant

Слайд 48
No one can objectively and wholly comprehend reality.

Слайд 49Other people’s perception of reality is as legitimate as yours.

Слайд 50Having life experiences in common with others may lead you to

the same conclusion.

Слайд 51
Be Empathetic

Слайд 52Communication is difficult. Imposing your point of view on others is

no way to success.

Слайд 53
Because different perceptions mean different worlds.

Слайд 54Understanding others is key to coach them and get your point


Слайд 55Communication is more about enabling others to develop a perception of

your point that is close to yours.

Слайд 56
Don’t judge others,
Work on yourself.

Слайд 57It is as easy to blame others as it is vain.

Слайд 58The only one who can change the perception of your world

is you.

Слайд 59So focus your energy on facilitating changes, not on finding excuses

(or blaming others) for your inability to change.

Слайд 60
Think positive

Слайд 61People’s Perception of the world, Thinking and Behavior mostly depend on


Слайд 62You decide in which world you are living.

Слайд 63You choose the color to paint your life events.

Слайд 64
Don’t set yourself any limit

Слайд 65There are more neuronal connections in our brain than stars in

the sky.

Слайд 66
You can endlessly rework these connections

Слайд 67So don’t set yourself any limit. You are free to build

your dream world.

Слайд 68
Focus, Experiment, Repeat

Слайд 69
Build new connections, as changing your world demands resources.

Слайд 70So focus your energy on what you want to change.

Слайд 71Experiment to see the consequences of every change, until you find

the appropriate connections.

Слайд 72And then repeat again & again, until the desired skill becomes

a habit.

Слайд 73
Beyond science
Chapter Three

Слайд 74
At this time of the story, it is only fair to

ask ourselves if we (or our brains) are just a very powerful computer.

Слайд 75
Like a shuttle, this computer has two main features :

Interact with

the Outside world
Acquire new knowledge

Слайд 76
But the real question is
Is there a pilot in this shuttle?

Слайд 77
Most of us (or in fact every one of us most

of the time),

Слайд 78let our brain drive our life. We are switched on autopilot.

Слайд 79On the opposite, other people choose to use their brain to

achieve what they want.

Слайд 80
But others decide to use their brain and drive where they


Your brain has a guide too:

your Willpower.

Слайд 81
Be aware of your role, the role of your brain and

its power.

Слайд 82Live in full awareness.

Слайд 83
You must reestablish your relation to your brain.

Слайд 84Be the head of your brain.

Show it the way.

Слайд 85Try out new behaviors. Analyze the results in full awareness and


Слайд 86Prepare your brain to learn new things and develop its creativity.

Слайд 87Take care of your brain by feeding it good biological and

spiritual food.

Слайд 88Manage your brain confidently and honestly. Live in harmony with it.


Слайд 89
And now…

Слайд 90It is up to you to work on your own good


Слайд 92
Thank you !!!
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