Lesson 3: Cybereconomics Why Does Bitcoin Have Value? Travis Patron презентация

Economics Fundamentals Bitcoin has value because it is both useful & scarce It is scarce because the protocol it is built which defines a hard cap limit of 21 million units

Слайд 1Lesson 3: Cybereconomics
Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?

Travis Patron

Слайд 2Economics Fundamentals
Bitcoin has value because it is both useful & scarce

is scarce because the protocol it is built which defines a hard cap limit of 21 million units of currency
It is useful because it allows us to do things with money we have never previously been able to do

Слайд 3What Does Bitcoin Allow Us?
Send money anywhere, anytime, to anyone (essentially

no limits on the movement of money)
Send as much or as little as we like for neglible fees
Send money potentially anonymously and with almost no delay
The blockchain allows us to verify all information – proof of work, ownership, existance, etc.

Слайд 4Economic Independence

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