Cultural dynamics презентация

WHAT IS CULTURAL DYNAMICS ? Cultural dynamics is concerned with the formation, maintenance, and transformation of culture over time. Cultural information = ideas + practices *Culture –

Production, grounding, interpretation, memory


Cultural dynamics is concerned with the formation,

maintenance, and transformation of culture over time.

Cultural information = ideas + practices

*Culture – set of non-genetically transmissible information that is available, accessible and applicable for a group of people

Слайд 3Social transmission of cultural information
Production – S remembers cultural information and

translates it into transmissible form
Grounding – establishing mutual understanding about the produced cultural information between the S and R
Interpretation – R interprets the grounded cultural information and translates it into a retainable form
Memory - interpreted information is remembered for later use and production

Слайд 4Social transmission of cultural information
Production – S remembers cultural information and

translates it into transmissible form
Grounding – establishing mutual understanding about the produced cultural information between the S and R
Interpretation – R interprets the grounded cultural information and translates it into a retainable form
Memory - interpreted information is remembered for later use and production

Слайд 5Social transmission of cultural information
Production both inter- and intrapersonal and translates

it into transmissible form
Grounding interpersonal about the produced cultural information between the S and R
Interpretation both inter- and intrapersonal information and translates it into a retainable form
Memory intrapersonal is remembered for later use and production

Слайд 6Production. Cultural information is remembered by a S and translated into

some form that is transmissible to a R. It is more likely to be produced if it is veridical and informative, emotive, morally relevant , positive or socially desirable etc.

Grounding. Mutual understanding about the produced cultural information is established between the sender and receiver. When cultural information is grounded, a helpful feeling of shared reality may be experienced

Слайд 7Interpretation. At this stage the receiver interprets the grounded cultural information

and translates it into a form that can be retained in memory. However this is not just «copied» but actively interpreted.

Memory. The interpreted information is remembered for later use and production. Some researchers argue it is survival-oriented. Besides that, people appears to be attuned to information about animate beings and sociality, supernatural events.
There is a retrieval induced forgetting effect. All in all, it influences cultural dynamics.

The four

processes encompass both of the mechanisms
Production includes both mechanisms
Grounding is interpersonal
Interpretation includes both mechanisms
Memory is more intrapersonal

Production: there have been millions

of the information producers among the people who survived the war. This kind of information is emotive, morally relevant and socially desirable
Grounding: suddenly after the war, the information about it has been shared and led to mutual understanding about the produced cultural information
Interpretation: at this stage receivers interpret the grounded information to be retained in their memory. This process is based on their experience during the war and many other determinants.
Memory: there were a lot of films, books and other products of culture devoted to war with people’s contemplations about it . The war is firmly ingrained within culture bearers. Moreover, arguably there could be a retrieval induced forgetting effect, because after The Great Patriotic war the previous large-scale wars were relatively forgotten

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