Winners of 2014 Dronestagram Photo Contest презентация

Winners of the 2014 Dronestagram Photo Contest Dronestagram – a resource where every day people spread photographs taken aerial drones flying through the camera. This is the main condition. Every year

Слайд 2Winners of the 2014 Dronestagram Photo Contest
Dronestagram – a resource where

every day people spread photographs taken aerial drones flying through the camera. This is the main condition. Every year on this resource arrange a competition for the best photo. This year the contest is over and we are ready to present you the winners in two categories.

Слайд 3Second place in the category “Best photo aerial view.” Author – Jericsaniel.

Слайд 4Third place in the category “Best photo aerial view.” Author – Drone-cs.

Слайд 5The first place in the category “Photos, received the most likes.”

Author – 


Слайд 6The first place in the category “Best photo aerial view.” Author

– Capungaero.

Слайд 7Second place in the category “Photos, received the most likes.” Author

– Jams69.

Слайд 8Third place in the category “Photos, received the most likes.” Author

– IceFire.

Слайд 9Some photos submitted for the contest

Слайд 45END

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Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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