Successful Logo Designs from UK and US Empowering Startups презентация


Global branding and advertising spending in 2015 is projected as US $578 billion

Слайд 1Successful Logo Designs from UK and US Empowering Startups

Слайд 2Global branding and advertising spending in 2015 is projected as US

$578 billion

Слайд 3Out of which 48% is spent on printing and designing. However,

12% is used for media animation

Слайд 4Fascinating right? Let’s see more.

Слайд 5The UK and US annually spend approximately £20 billion and $140

Billion respectively in advertising and marketing designs

Слайд 6Design provides visual expressions to brands and 94% of the time

make a deep impression

Слайд 7Brand identity design in particular are important in explaining the brand


Слайд 8The most important aspect of brand identity is logo design. When

a logo design is successful it represents overall success of the brand

Слайд 9Therefore it is crucial for small businesses and startups to carefully

consider the design of their logo. Because it is your first impression on your clients, you surely don’t want to mess with it

Слайд 10Let’s consider the logo designs of these two successful brands from

UK and USA

Слайд 11BBC and FOX News are successful brand identities for their brands

because their logos have designed keeping in mind the 3 important expressions:

Слайд 12Stability: A logo design that is not time bound

Слайд 13Flexibility: A logo, which design looks equally appealing on all marketing


Слайд 14Association: A logo that communicates and tells a brand story

Слайд 15BBC vs. FOX News (Image Analysis)

Слайд 16Let’s have a look at some more popular brand logos with

British origin and evaluate if they are successful for all times

Слайд 17Popular Brand Logos with British Origin

Слайд 18Vodafone

Слайд 19Orange
Thomas Cook

Слайд 20ITV
Delphi Automotive

Слайд 21Logos from the UK sure meet the criteria of successful designs

to a great extent. However, let’s see if designs from the US beat the competition or not

Слайд 22Popular Brand Logos with US Origin

Слайд 23Google

Слайд 24Apple

Слайд 25Facebook

Слайд 26What we’ve learned from these UK and US logos

Слайд 27Most companies started small and grew into huge companies through consistent


Слайд 28Most companies are recognized by their original logo colors, symbolism, and/or


Слайд 29Most companies’ logos can stand on their own without having to

“market” to their audience

Слайд 30Does your brand identity meets the criteria of successful logo design?

Слайд 31If not, then we can help. Just fill in the form

coming up next, and we’ll sail you through

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