UX Humor V1 @think360studio презентация


Well this is not a joke, its TRUTH.. lol www.think360studio.com

Слайд 1
UX Humor V1
Lets laugh and learn from common UX mistakes ☺

Prince Pal
(UI/UX Designer)

Слайд 2Well this is not a joke, its TRUTH.. lol

Слайд 3Toolbars Overloaded…

Слайд 4YAY.. YAY…

Слайд 5

Слайд 6www.think360studio.com

Слайд 8Man searching with misspellings…

Слайд 9Funny UI quote”

Слайд 11
5 Signs of A
UX Designer
Donot mess with these designers, lets

have a look ☺

Слайд 12
1st SIGN
“I have made wireframes”

Слайд 13
2nd SIGN
“I’ve designed an App
in the App Store”

Слайд 14
3rd SIGN
“My Process
Is My Own”

Слайд 15
4th SIGN
“We learn when it’s live”

Слайд 16
5th SIGN

“I’m a creative person,
not a technical one.”

Слайд 17
6th SIGN

“Once the product is built, I’m ready to move on.”

Слайд 18
Now, Imagine the worst
Possible User Experience in
Product Design..

Слайд 19
Enjoy the TEA :D

Слайд 20
Lets have lunch with us… ☺

Слайд 21
Mind it… ☺

Слайд 22
Dinner Set… ☺

Слайд 23
Top Reasons To Drink

Слайд 24
If someone pronounces GUI "Gooey,"
do a shot

Слайд 25
If someone says he started doing
wireframes in PowerPoint, take a


Слайд 26
If you are the only one who knows what UX means,

finish the bottle

Слайд 27
When the UX decisions are
made by group vote, prepare a

pitcher of margaritas

Слайд 28
If you dress like Steve Jobs, strip naked and do a


Слайд 29If someone says buttons should be orange and green because they

test the best, drink

Слайд 30If someone asks why the wireframes have no color, do a

double shot..

Слайд 31If someone says the site has to work
on IE6, drink

Слайд 32If someone says, "Above the fold,"
smash the bottle over their


Слайд 33Presentation By
Prince Pal
(UI/UX Designer)

Слайд 34Credits

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