Establishment of a Central European Air Cargo Logistics Hub & European Aviation презентация

About Airport Magdeburg-Cochstedt International Privately Owned Airport (IATA:CSO) Location-Drive Time Distance Magdeburg 25 minutes Halle 40 minutes Berlin 1 hour 30 minutes Hanover 1 hour

Слайд 1Establishment of a Central European Air Cargo Logistics Hub & European

Aviation Operations Centre for Qatar Airways Cargo

Located in the Berlin-Leipzig-Hannover Central European Road Network Hub at
Magdeburg-Cochstedt Airport & Logistics Centre.

Proposal by


Growth Strategy to Rapidly Expand Qatar Airways Cargo Operations in Central Europe to Increase Market Share Across the
European-Middle East-Africa-Eurasia & Asia Markets

June 8th –Berlin-Germany

Слайд 2About Airport Magdeburg-Cochstedt International

Privately Owned Airport (IATA:CSO)

Location-Drive Time Distance

Magdeburg 25 minutes

Halle 40 minutes
Berlin 1 hour 30 minutes
Hanover 1 hour 30 minutes
Dresden 1 hour 50 minutes
Leipzig 1 hour 5 minutes
Wolfsburg 1 hour 15 minutes

Airport Infrastructure:

3,100m x 45m incl. runway and safety area
2X Brand new cargo halls 1,000, sqm and 7,000sqm
Direct access to the apron
24h/7d fully unrestricted operating licence,
airport is operating with staff and Air Traffic Control 24/7
Rapiscan Air Cargo Security Scanner and Sniffer

Leipzig Airport Park
38,0000 sqm of cargo hall logistics warehousing space
360,000 sqm of logistics development land

Слайд 3About Airport the Owners
Airport Development A/S

Danish-German Internationally experienced real estate, logistics

and aviation investment group established in 2007

Owners of Magdeburg International Airport and Neuhardenberg Airport (45 mins east of Berlin) and large scale Airport Logistics Park located adjacent Leipzig Halle Airport

Over 100 million euros invested since 2007 in the real estate portfolio

Proven and experienced airport owners, operators, air cargo & logistics system developers, land developers for aviation and renewable energy projects.

Experienced in all aspects of legal process, licensing, permitting, environmental compliance, airport master-planning and compliance in respect of international aviation operations, freight forwarding, air cargo handling, logistics operations, trucking, intermodal, aircraft handling & security.

Слайд 4Magdeburg-Cochstedt Airport & Leipzig Logistics Centre: Gallery

Logistics Hall Number One 1,000

Logistics Hall Number Two 7,000 sqm

3,100m x 45m runway fully 24 Hour Un-restricted

Two RAF-Avia AN26 Cargo Aircraft & Two Antonov 12 Cargo Aircraft
Based at CSO

New 500,000 pax capacity passenger terminal

38,0000 sqm of cargo hall logistics warehousing space
360,000 sqm of logistics development land

Слайд 5

China 22,351,128,000
Air Cargo 1,117,556,000
Tons 58,778
Japan 5,075,670,000

Cargo 253,785,500
Tons 12,689

Korea 4,687,471,000
Air Cargo 234,373,000
Tons 11,718

UAE 3,422,414,700
Air Cargo 171,120,735
Tons 8,556

India 2,677,476,00
Air Cargo 133,873,800
Tons 6,693

Saudi 2,676,383,700
Air Cargo 133,819,185
Tons 6,690

South Africa 2,494,229,700
Air Cargo 124,711,485
Tons 6,235

Australia 2,341,420,800
Air Cargo 117,071,040
Tons 5,853

Singapore 1,889,035,200
Air Cargo 94,451,760
Tons 4,722

Hong Kong 1,768,242,600
Air Cargo 88,412,130
Tons 4,420

Trade in Euros / USD rate 1 euro = 1.094$
Trade figures from 2014 Statistisches Bundesamt Calculated on east Germany 30% of total trade value attributable of which 5% of value is Air cargo trade of which $2000 per ton calculated on average for Asia segments

Top Ten Air Cargo export markets from Magdeburg East Germany Catchment to DOHA Middle East, Asia, Africa Air Cargo feed only

Export Market Air Cargo (Tons)
China 58,778
Japan 12,689
Korea 11,718
UAE 8,556
India 6,693
Saudi Arabia 6,690
South Africa 6,235
Australia 5,853
Singapore 4,722
Hong Kong 4,420

Total Tons 126,354

The Air Cargo EXPORT MARKET- Doha Hub Feed
Germany to Middle East, Asia, Africa Air Cargo Trade

Qatar 629,263,200
Air Cargo 31, 463,160
Tons 1,573

Слайд 6

The Air Cargo IMPORT MARKET-Doha Hub Feed
Germany from Middle East, Asia,

Africa Air Cargo Trade

China 24,805,820,000
Air Cargo 1,240,291,000
Tons 62,014

Japan 5,712,928,000
Air Cargo 285,614,600
Tons 14,280

Korea 2,398,948,800
Air Cargo 119,947,440
Tons 5,997

India 2,116,703,100
Air Cargo 105,835,155
Tons 5,291

South Africa 1,469,717,000
Air Cargo 73,858,500
Tons 3,674

Singapore 1,501,629,000
Air Cargo 75,081,450
Tons 3,754

Trade in Euros / USD rate 1 euro = 1.094$
Trade figures from 2014 Statistisches Bundesamt Calculated on east Germany 30% of total trade value attributable of which 5% of value is Air cargo trade of which $2000 per ton calculated on average for Asia segments

Top Ten Air Cargo import markets from
DOHA Middle East, Asia, Africa Air Cargo feed only to Magdeburg East Germany Catchment

Import Market Air Cargo (Tons)
China 62,014
Japan 14,280
Korea 5,997
India 5,291
Malaysia 4,600
Vietnam 4,527
Singapore 3,754
South Africa 3,674
Thailand 3,480
Bangladesh 2,852

Total Tons 110,469

Malaysia 1,840,249,500
Air Cargo 92,012,475
Tons 4,600

Vietnam 1,810,924,500
Air Cargo 90,546,225
Tons 4,527

Thailand 1,392,258,000
Air Cargo 69,612,945
Tons 3,480

Bangladesh 1,140,889,800
Air Cargo 57,044,900
Tons 2,852

Qatar 203,573,100
Air Cargo 10,178,655
Tons 508

Слайд 7

The Air Cargo MARKET
Germany - Middle East, Asia, Africa Air Cargo

Qatar 203,573,100
Air Cargo 10,178,655
Tons 508

Qatar 629,263,200
Air Cargo 31, 463,160
Tons 1,573

A Total Market of 236,823 tons ie 4,554 tons per week

Top Ten
Total Market of 236,823 tons ie 4,554 tons per week at the Magdeburg-Leipzig-Berlin-Hanover Air Cargo Axis
Doha Middle East, Asia, Africa Air Cargo feed only.

Qatar-East German Air Cargo market is worth
2,081 tons annually 40 tons per week

Top Ten Air Cargo import markets from
DOHA Middle East, Asia, Africa Air Cargo feed only to Magdeburg East Germany Catchment

Import Market Air Cargo (Tons)
China 62,014
Japan 14,280
Korea 5,997
India 5,291
Malaysia 4,600
Vietnam 4,527
Singapore 3,754
South Africa 3,674
Thailand 3,480
Bangladesh 2,852

Total Tons 110,469

Top Ten Air Cargo export markets from Magdeburg East Germany Catchment to DOHA Middle East, Asia, Africa Air Cargo feed only

Export Market Air Cargo (Tons)
China 58,778
Japan 12,689
Korea 11,718
UAE 8,556
India 6,693
Saudi Arabia 6,690
South Africa 6,235
Australia 5,853
Singapore 4,722
Hong Kong 4,420

Total Tons 126,354

Слайд 8

Customer Guarantees
Export Customers from Magdeburg

Airport at moment     Destination        Quantity in KG p.w.    Type of Cargo
Volkswagen/Wolfsburg         FRA/AMS/HAJ        China(PEK/PVG     500.000,00                SPARE PARTS VW
Volkswagen/Wolfsburg        FRA/LEJ                 China(PEK/PVG         600.000,00                SPARE PARTS VW
NOVELIS                            FRA/LEJ               China / Japan
                                                                     Korea, India
                                                                    Saudia Arabia,
South Africa      500.000,00               ALUM.AUTO PARTS
SALUTAS                          FRA/LEJ                 India, China , Hong King 
Singapore         200.000,00               PHARMACEUTICALS

MISC                               FRA/AMS/BER
                                                 AFRICA/HGK             Africa / Hong Kong 400.000,00              ALL CARGO
SIEMENS/BOSCH                BER/FRA/LEJ         Africa Middle East                                                                                China, India 200.000,00              MACHINERY,PARTS
MISC.                                FRA/BER/LEJ
                                        AMS                       China, India, Africa
  USA /Singapore
Hong Kong  200.000,00              AUTOMOTIVE/ PERISHABLES
 From 1200 EXPORTERS
In CATCHMENT AREA          FRA/BER/HAJ LEJ    Asia, Africa, USA      300.000,00               ALL CARGO

2,900 tons weekly
Commitment indications

Слайд 9

Customer Guarantees Coming In
Import Customers from Middle East, Asia, Africa Air

Cargo Trade

A minimum of 496 tons per week of air cargo is coming into Magdeburg region, from Asia

Top import Items
Air Cargo from Asia

Top Air Cargo Import Customers / Magdeburg East Germany

Our Import air cargo guarantee aggregator for the Eurasia, Middle East market is TAHA Cargo with circa 100 tons per week of inbound cargo

Слайд 10Air cargo coming to Qatar via Qatar Airways Cargo (Asia Markets) Just

happens to be from Germany’s biggest trading partners

Слайд 11700 million consumers with 1,500 kilometres
Qatar Airways Cargo at the geographic

centre of Europe
That is why we have a total air cargo market of
236,823 tons ie 4,554 tons per week

Europe is the largest Middle East air cargo
trade partner

Слайд 12Trucking Rates To & From CSO to Major German Cities circa

0.20 euro cents per kilo Total Annual Savings at CSO of a staggering 3 million euros annually on FULL trucking costs alone that are incurred to Frankfurt
Amsterdam / EU non German Trucking
rate is 0.40 cents per kilo

CSO is plugged into the Kuenhe & Nagel European groupage network
Within 2 hours of arrival of Qatar Airlines at CSO, Cargo is in Bad Hersfeld Global Distribution system

Commitment to door to door delivery

We have 80 tons of road freight capacity a day through our partners Krage & Gerloff that we can feed into & out of Qatar Airlines Cargo at CSO

Слайд 13We Guarantee Door to Door Logistics
Trucking times include a 45

Minute EU Drive time directive mandatory break
Based on HGV speeds of 55km per hour average

Слайд 14Why should Qatar Airways Cargo Place a direct freighter into CSO?

Because we will bring new customers & increase business & save money.

Because CSO is located at the heart of the east German’s Automotive supply chain and is the most convenient 24 hour fully unrestricted cargo airport

Because CSO is more than 50% cheaper than any other European Cargo Airport

Because customers will save on huge trucking expense costs and have their freight shipped cheaper and quicker and get paid faster

Because Qatar Airways Cargo will become the cargo airline of choice for the automotive value chain and supermarket group import market

“No More Expensive Trucking to Frankfurt, It has got to stop. We want to go east faster and in the right direction”

Because of our relationship we will bring new customers that want to ship air cargo from CSO such as Novelis and Salutas Pharma


Слайд 15

4 hours into the main Polish Markets
CSO- HAJ Drive time:1.5 hours


CSO-HAM Drive time:3 hours 307KM

It costs 0.40 euro cents per kilo to ship to Frankfurt by road and adds circa 36 hours to the journey time = cost, Inbound and outbound


Frankfurt Main FRA



Berlin air cargo market grew nearly 7% in 2013

Слайд 16Summary: Where does Germany’s Air Cargo Go to and come from

and with who?

Asia 1,200,000 mt
Germany-Middle East
Up 21.1% in 2013

Asia represents 27% of Frankfurt’s Air Cargo market

Emirates now a big player at FRA
Dubai Trans-shipment strategy with 777 is working to enable Emirates to gain market share=Stiff competition

There is room in this market for Qatar to grow. But not at Frankfurt where competition is massive

Слайд 17So we know there is a huge trans-shipment market
But remember the

direct Germany to Qatar market

Qatar 203,573,100
Air Cargo 10,178,655
Import Tons 508 Annually

Qatar 629,263,200
Air Cargo 31, 463,160
Export Tons 1,573 Annually

Qatar-East German Air Cargo market is worth
2,081 tons annually 40 tons per week

Per week

Germany to Qatar Air Cargo Directly is worth 6,500 tons annually ie 125 tons per week. From East Germany we have calculated 1,573 tons annually ie 30 tons per week which is very conservative

Слайд 18

Sales & Distribution for Qatar Airways Cargo
It is madness for Qatar

Airways Cargo to continue to truck cargo from East Germany to Frankfurt to fly it back to Doha & then truck it back from Frankfurt to East Germany

DHL has its European Hub in Leipzig
This proves this is a market for Air Cargo.

But DHL is very expensive.

If Qatar Airways Cargo is transporting circa 600 tons to FRA weekly to then you are trucking back expensively 200 tons to our catchment (Berlin)

You would also be flying 200 tons back over our catchment burning 45 minutes of Jet A1 for nothing

Trucking costs for 200 tons are circa 40,000 euros of savings alone

Plus you free up 200 tons of capacity at FRA

Your cost per kilo will become a major sales advantage and so will your efficiency

Why are the biggest logistics players in this market?

Слайд 19Another Reminder The Icing on the Cake
We have


From 2015 Magdeburg Cochstedt International Cargo Airport will have the exclusive rights to ship by air cargo via CLG the aluminium parts production consignments from Novelis, the world’s largest processor of aluminium parts.

Up to 3,800 tons per month of aluminium parts air cargo could be available to Qatar Airways Cargo

The World’s Leading Producer of Aluminium Parts, With Global Processing Operation Located Adjacent Magdeburg Cochstedt International Cargo Airport Where Complete Production is 40,000 tons per month of which 8-9% is assigned for air cargo transportation

On top of that
We will also open up the door for your to secure the export and import air cargo business for Salutas Pharma located just 20 minutes from CSO

Слайд 20Contact Us

Airport Magdeburg-Cochstedt International

Harzstraße 1 39444 Hecklingen Saxony-Anhalt

T: +49 (0) 39267 606 444 F:

+49 (0) 39267 606-213 E:

André T Morrall , Director Business Development Tel: +44 7824 31 7773

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