Seven Career Tips You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner презентация

SPAM FODDER! Avoid words like ‘opportunity’ or ‘offer’ in your email subject line for that next job application as they can set off sensitive spam filters. If in doubt use a

Слайд 1Seven Career Tips You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner

Слайд 2SPAM FODDER! Avoid words like ‘opportunity’ or ‘offer’ in your email

subject line for that next job application as they can set off sensitive spam filters. If in doubt use a spam checker tool to revise your email.

Never put your contact details in a résumé header

or footer as some recruiter/ employer technologies can’t read them and the information could come up blank

The majority of recruiters and employers are now checking out your

social media. In fact over a third have rejected applicants because of digi-dirt!

Better hone that LinkedIn profile and clean up your Facebook

Слайд 5KILLER KEYWORDS: Recruitment Technologies can screen out up to 50% of

résumés before it lands on a human’s lap to be read.

Make sure your résumé is technology-friendly and includes key words from the job advertisement.

Слайд 6

HANDY HELPER! If you have a difficult name to pronounce try

adding to your resume or profile an audible name tag (ANT) or add the phonetic spelling to help employers communicate more confidently with you.

Слайд 7Best of breed
Think outside of the box
Synergy, and
Go-to person


to the top five words hated by recruiters on résumés are:

Слайд 8
INTERVIEW KILLER: Pick your interview slot carefully.
Research has shown interviewers

may unintentionally look more favorably on candidates in the morning than the afternoon if they are interviewing back-to-back.
Also watch out for the just-before-lunch slot too when hunger pains may strike and interest may wane!

Слайд 9Get more great job search tips from
the Career Coaching team

Outplacement Australia

Trying to make the world a better place,
one career at a time ☺

Check out our articles on résumé development, new ways to find jobs, must-know interviewing tips and other great reads in our job seekers resources section at

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