CEB + CX презентация

Presentation Agenda Competitive Analysis Growth Strategies Next Steps Customer Experience Landscape

Слайд 1CEB + CX
Competitive Analysis & Growth Strategy Project

Слайд 2Presentation Agenda
Competitive Analysis
Customer Experience Landscape

Слайд 3Customer Experience Landscape

Слайд 4Trends & Forecasts

New trends in the CX market must be

fully implemented or firms risk leaving millions behind


Global CEOs who said that CX improvement is a top priority this year2

Having almost 24/7 support is crucial for success3

Firms must have both online and offline capabilities4


(2014 – 2019)

The CX market is set to double from $3.78BN to almost $8.5BN in 2019. 1

Слайд 5Trends & Forecasts
Mobile, metrics and emotions are the true drivers behind

a memorable CX strategy

Provide omni-channel service with a focus on mobile CX5

Insightful metrics that are simple but impactful are rising, especially NPS (“what are our scores, what do they mean, what is a clear action plan to improve/sustain our scores, etc.)6

CX strategies must focus on building up positive experiences for both customers and employees7

Слайд 6
Focusing on mobile, metrics and emotions will lead to more

successful CX strategies

To capitalize on the growing CX market, the best firms will enter as soon as possible

Firms can differentiate themselves by offering online/offline solutions as well as support for customers and employees

Слайд 7Competitive

Слайд 8*A full list of the top 50 management consulting firms with

a focus on CX consulting used in this project can be found in Appendix. A.2

Many CX consultancies exist* but a market leader does not, indicating a highly fragmented market

Слайд 9While a market leader doesn’t exist, there are a few firms

that continually hog the “CX spotlight”

The top firms were categorized with the following criteria8

Brand recognition & reach
LinkedIn Presence
Creation of a industry-changing methodology, organization or patent

Using those criteria, the top 4 firms in the CX industry are below:

The top firms are private companies so their individual market shares are unknown/unable to be calculated, meaning that the question “Who is the leader of these four” was not determined.

Слайд 10Satmetrix NPX
Bain & Company
Co-creators of the Net Promoter Score system
Global reach/recognition

with 10+ years experience
Created Bain’s Loyalty practice to educate firms about NPS

Each market leader has unique strengths, which can be used to drive CEB’s future CX decisions

Co-creators of the Net Promoter Score system
CX thought leaders
10+ years experience in delivering NPS & CX related services

Слайд 11Temkin Group
Beyond Philosophy
Pioneered proprietary methods of analyzing both the rational and

emotional sides of CX
CX thought leader

Market leaders leverage their unique histories, members and value propositions to push ahead

Co-created the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA)
Conducts annual research into the state of the CX industry
CX thought leader

The top CX firms have forward thinking team members that

continue to push the CX industry forward (examples include:
Creating revolutionary analytics systems, certification and professional institutes
Travelling globally to speak/learn from the best, etc.) 8

4 Similarities Between the Top 4 Firms
Proprietary information that changed the CX industry
10+ years of experience
Strong brand recognition
Ability to expand globally

Слайд 13Growth

Слайд 14Potential growth strategies are many but there are three frontrunners to

drive CEB’s CX growth

Product Innovations

Brand Improvements

People Acquisitions

Introduce new CEB tools that capitalize on trends & forecasts in the market

Ramp up brand recognition to draw market share away from the top firms

Bring in more CX thought leaders and talent to act as a catalyst for the 2 previous recommendations

Слайд 15

Product Innovations
CEB should introduce new CX resources that have a 70/30

split between Online and Offline tools
To be highly scalable, the majority of resources should be online
The remaining should be offline (traditional consulting) to offer highly personalized solutions to companies
CEB should leverage its global member network to launch a new study on the best CX practices
CEB already completes annual research projects; CEB should strive to make a CX research study a priority for 2016
CEB should look to innovate a new CX changing product
CEB has recently rolled out a new CX product
Analyze incoming data to determine what’s working and what’s not quickly and reform the product as needed
CX is a field that’s rapidly changing, calling for a keen eye to successful metrics and multiple product revisions

Market leaders assume top positions because of CX innovations; CEB should follow suit

Слайд 16

Product Innovations
Product Innovation: Feasibility Analysis

Слайд 17

Brand Improvements

CEB already has a global brand name for HR &

Sales and should look to add CX to the list
CX brand can be improved by
Gaining CXPA certifications (the industry standard for CX professionals)
Frequently attending CX conferences and setting up CEB booths to educate CX professionals about CEB’s rising CX products
Publishing innovative research to reputable journals (HBR, Forbes, etc.) to gain traction similar to “The Challenger Sale”
Search Engine Optimization to drive more member to CEB

Regardless of product innovations, the CEB CX brand must ramp up its recognition & reach

Слайд 18

Brand Improvements
Brand Improvements: Feasibility Analysis

Слайд 19

People Acquisitions
CEB already has two CX industry leaders in Matt Dixon

and Rick DeLisi
CEB should continue building off their rising CX-recognition
CEB should continue to attract top CX talent, who should come for the new CX products and CEB’s global brand recognition
Actively pursue those who are the top of the CX industry
CEB should look into the possibility of acquiring a top competitor to gain a large foothold in the market as well as gain proprietary technology, brand recognition and years of CX experience
Recommended acquisition? Satmetrix or Temkin Group

“People acquisitions” would be the last area for CEB to grow its budding CX practice

Слайд 20

People Acquisitions
People Acquisitions: Feasibility Analysis

Слайд 21Implementation Timeline

Craft Research Study
Launch Study
Analyze Results; Create Resources
Launch Resources

Continuous Brand Improvements


People Acquisitions

Introduce new CX initiatives

Introduce new CX initiatives

Слайд 22Next

Слайд 23Begin forming specialized teams throughout CEB to prepare for a full

CX transformation

Form CX Research team
Begin crafting research study

Form CX Marketing team
Create a extensive marketing plan

Form CX HR team
Create short list of CX Thought Leaders to pursue

To become a market leader as quickly as possible, CX must become a top priority for CEB

Should launch this survey from CEB’s Sales & Marketing practice as it will be the most relevant/insightful

Слайд 24Sibi Murugesan
Business Development Intern, CEB

Слайд 25Appendix

Слайд 26Appendix. A.1 – CX Firm Locater Methodology
The General List was compiled

through internet searches. Most firms were found on pages 1 – 10 of each search list. This was deemed valid for two reasons:
1) time (there is not enough time to search out for every vendor possible)
2) due to the rise of Search Engine Optimization, the major players within the market were most likely to found in the first 10 pages of each search.
The General List was created through a Google search with the following items: Customer Experience consulting; Customer Experience Consulting Firms; Customer Experience Consulting Service; CX consulting; Net Promoter Score consulting; Net Promoter Service Consulting Firms; Net Promoter Score strategy; NPS consulting; NPS strategy

Слайд 27Appendix. A.2 – CX Consulting Firms

Слайд 28Appendix. A.2 – CX Consulting Firms

Слайд 29Appendix. A.2 – CX Consulting Firms

Слайд 30Appendix. A.2 – CX Consulting Firms

Слайд 31Appendix. A.2 – CX Consulting Firms

Слайд 32Appendix. B - Footnotes
CAGR Growth from 2014 – 2019
The CAGR was

only given for the 5 year time period. By reversing the CAGR formula, the CAGR for each individual year was determined.

93% of Global CEOs said “Yes, CX is a top priority this year”
Almost 24/7 support is crucial to success

Firms must have both online & offline capabilities

Omni-channel service, focus on mobile

NPS metrics

Positive experiences for employees and customers

Top 25 Influencers in the CX Industry

Слайд 33Appendix. C – Definitions
Customer Experience (CX) : Customer experience is the

product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship

Segments of the CX Value Chain:

Net Promoter Score (NPS): Net Promoter Score is a customer loyalty metric where consumers are asked “How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?” which is used to measure loyalty between a consumer and provider.

NPS Scoring Chart:

Слайд 34Appendix. C – Qualitative Research

Слайд 35Appendix. D – Image Citations
HR Icon:
Research Icon:
Marketing Icon:

Icon 2:
Brand Icon:
Product Icon:
Bain Logo:
Satmetrix Logo:
Temkin Group Logo:
Beyond Philosophy Logo:
Strativity Logo:
Magnifying glass:

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