Hello, I’m Matt Henshaw I launched a successful career comeback презентация

Whatever you want to do I’ve got some advice that will help get you there.

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Hello, I’m Matt Henshaw
I launched a successful career comeback

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Whatever you want to do
I’ve got some advice that will help

get you there.

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Here’s my story

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This was my band CENSORED
It all started as a bit of

teenage fun.

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A local gig here and there,
A few lads from Nottingham,

messing about.

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we landed ourselves a record deal.

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Less than a year on we were in the NME and

playing Reading and Leeds.
I couldn’t believe it

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I didn’t even have time to collect my A-Level results

n’ roll EH?

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We were supporting our heroes
like Ocean Colour Scene and Supergrass

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I never really thought about the future.
Don’t get me wrong,

I was passionate

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But I was having a great time making music.
I thought

we were SET for LIFE

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Anyway it was 2008.
BBC Radio 1 were set to play

our latest track.

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Then…it slowly started to unravel

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We organised a completely CRAZY line-up of back-back gigs.

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Without any real guidance, we’d spread ourselves too thin.

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St. Georges Day 2009…
It finally caught up with me.

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We were playing to a sold out crowd.
I only lasted

3 SONGS I was burnt out.

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We had to break for about 2 months.
We cancelled all of

our festivals.

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We’d suddenly lost our momentum….
we had to CALL IT A DAY

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I was in touching distance of my dream career.


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I took some time off.
I remember my Mum asking me…


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In truth…
I really just wanted to learn again.

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I decided to go to university
I did an MRes in

Film and Television

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I wasn’t going out that much, more gardening, staying in and

drinking tea.
Not so ROCK n’ ROLL

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I felt older and mature for the first time ever. It

was a chance to get on with life.

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saying that with a mouthful

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But something was missing
I couldn’t put my finger on it

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Then in 2012 I went to watch some gigs.
Watching people

on stage…

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Something clicked inside me….
I’m a Musician

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I realised the job I was doing wasn’t my dream

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After so many years away, music was calling my name again…

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…It hadn’t exactly gone to plan last time

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This time it was different

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My first experience had awakened me to see things in a

whole new way.

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The musical landscaped had changed a lot since 2008

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So many social networks, promotional tools…
I had to be SMARTER this


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Think matt, THINK.

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I remembered LinkedIn from training sessions I had done at work…

Слайд 39I logged back on
THOUGHT If this works for office stuff, why can’t

it work for music?

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I checked out other people’s profiles and then used the interactive

guide to update my own one.
type type type type

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I realised how easy it was to tailor it to music

to showcase my skills.

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I wanted to get across my passion and most of all…my


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Funnily enough most of my endorsements were already for signing and


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When I updated my profile more and more endorsements started coming

in from people I already knew.
It was a massive CONFIDENCE BOOST

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Keeping my profile UP TO DATE was a sure-fire way of

making sure people took me seriously and saw me as a professional.
Not just another lad with a guitar.

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I did a search
Amazingly I found loads of relevant people…


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Then one day I got the message…
you’ve got a new connection

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That one connection opened up a whole new range of people

a fresh network of possibilities.

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What was most amazing was that instead of sending out speculative

messages to find opportunities…

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suddenly, opportunities were coming to me!
My profile was like a MAGNET

and all because I’d added a bit more detail.

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Just adding a bit more about yourself in the summary and

adding a profile picture makes it much easier for people to find you.

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It turns out if you have a complete profile, you’re 40

times more likely to receive opportunities.

Слайд 53And it meant people contacted me with relevant and meaningful jobs

in mind…

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…Be it a gig or festival or just helping put stuff

together in the recording studio.

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SUDDENLY I’ve got a gig coming up at the Roundhouse Camden

and a slot at the Elevator Music Festival…

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Its my very own ‘COMEBACK’ tour if you like
all off my

own back.

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At which point, you’re probably thinking…

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“Good for him”
But you might not want to be a


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…That’s not really the point. The point is that I recovered

from being down and out!

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I’ve become the MASTER of my own career

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I went from knowing what I wanted to GETTING what I


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Whether you’re a musician a lawyer, a scientist or an accountant…you

can always DO BETTER

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Follow what you’re passionate about.
WORK AS HARD as you can


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You see, LinkedIn isn’t just for business people.
It’s for anyone with


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If I can do it, then you won’t have a PROBLEM

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I’m a better musician NOW than I ever was

Слайд 68LinkedIn played its part for me…
and it can FOR YOU

Слайд 69LinkedIn
What’s your dream
Update you profile http://linkd.in/1izYjjr

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