Create a Service Management Roadmap If you don’t know where you’re going, it won’t matter what road you take – any road will get you there. There is little structure, formalization, or standardization in the way services are managed, leading to a number o презентация

Create a Service Management Roadmap If you don’t know where you’re going, it won’t matter what road you take – any road will get you there. There is little structure, formalization, or standardization in the way services are managed, leading to a number o Бизнес и предпринимательство

Слайд 1Create a Service Management Roadmap
If you don’t know where you’re going,

it won’t matter what road you take – any road will get you there.
There is little structure, formalization, or standardization in the way services are managed, leading to a number of issues:
Processes are ad hoc and process adherence is hit and miss.
There is no formal methodology for planning, designing, transitioning, and operating services within the service portfolio.
The lack of Service Management focus creates an inefficient and ineffective service delivery model that does not provide value to the organization.
Engage your project team early and frequently. The more you involve your project team in the creation of the roadmap, the more ownership/accountability they will have when you proceed to the implementation phase.
“Measure Twice, Cut Once.”
The more time you spend planning and preparing for your service management roll-out, the lower the risk of encountering roadblocks, which can waste resources, force rework, or even result in project abandonment.
Step Insight (or Description if no insight is present)
Engage your project participants in the planning process as much as possible to help to secure their support throughout the implementation phase.
You need to establish a strong foundation of operational initiatives before you can invest in more advanced/complex processes.
Roadmap processes are mandatory! You cannot omit any of the four foundational processes from your overall roadmap.
When planning the roll-out of various initiatives, be sure to consider pre-requisites and dependencies, as well as any restrictions such as level of investment, available resources, and stakeholder engagement.
The support of senior executive stakeholders is critical to the success of your roadmap roll-out. Try to wow them with project benefits and hit them hard with the risks/pain points.

Слайд 2

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