10 Tips for a Successful CV презентация

Слайд 110 Tips for a Successful CV

Слайд 2Things to include

contact details
relevant professional experience (most recent/most

relevant first)
key skills
Optional sections include:-
personal statement
reference list
achievements and hobbies

No more than 2 pages

Слайд 3Your email address is the first thing your potential employer sees


doesn’t read well for your reliability, while 8930405@email.com reads as spam

- Use your full name or your university email account

2. Partychick88@email.com won’t get you a job

Слайд 4 Good for creative industries
Remember, HR spend less than 30

seconds reading a resume. If the information is too difficult to decipher they won’t even look for it

3. Creative CV’s?

Слайд 5Make use of headings and separate information into different sections

information first
Make sure education and work experience is easy to find and read
Include only your relevant work experience
The same applies to education: Tertiary education comes first (don’t need to write specific grades)
- Skills can be included under work experience or in their own section

4. Make it clear

Слайд 6 Don’t write an essay
Use bullet points
Highlight skills based

on what’s asked for in the job description
Specific skills examples can be written about in the cover letter
Full sentences are not compulsory

5. Be concise

Слайд 7Use standard fonts eg. Ariel
Keep the font consistent throughout

use fancy borders
Multi-coloured is not attractive or easy to read
Do NOT include emoticons or text speak

6. Style

Слайд 8This is where you sell yourself and your skills.
Make sure

to mention:-
How you can contribute to the company
Key skills and how you’ve used them in the past
Don’t reiterate your CV
No longer than 1 page
Thank them for their time

7. Write a cover letter

Слайд 9Use a different CV for each job you apply for

skills from the job description
Update your CV regularly – include new education or work experience as well as certificates and awards
Easier to keep your CV constantly updated than to create a whole new CV every time you look for a new job

8. Tailor and Update

Слайд 10 Check the formatting, make sure spacing, fonts and text sizes

are consistent
Proof read – check for spelling and grammar mistakes
Save in PDF format with an appropriate name

9. Polish, proof and PDF

Слайд 11Keep your social media up to date with work and education

Make sure anything you don’t want employers to see is either locked down or deleted
Keep all social media accounts consistent
LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are most commonly checked.

10. That’s not all folks!

Слайд 12Specialized in providing Paid Internships in China and Chinese Study Abroad

Programs to foreigners worldwide.


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