Презентации по Английскому языку

There is / there are. Choose the right option
There is / there are. Choose the right option

There are two boys. There are two men. There are two girls. There is a plane. There is a man. There is a spaceship.

Sinbad The Sailor
Sinbad The Sailor

Once upon a time in big city baghdad, which was in a faraway eastern country there lived Sindbad the sailor. Sinbad was a brave, but he also was poor man. The sailor wanted to make a great fortune.

The doctor more than a thousand years
The doctor more than a thousand years

- Doctor? Doctor who? - Just the Doctor Doctor – one of the Time Lords. Alien from planet Gallifray. The Doctor more than a thousand years, he changed thirteen faces thanks to regeneration, but he is still the same

Компетентісно-орієнтоване навчання англійської мови
Компетентісно-орієнтоване навчання англійської мови

Тема Компетентісно-орієнтоване навчання, як шлях до модернізації, гуманізації та гуманітаризації навчання англійської мови. Соціокультурна компетентність в інтегрованій навчальній середі. Програму згідно

Деловой английский язык
Деловой английский язык

Форма оценки успеваемости студента: 1 семестр зачет 2 семестр экзамен Виды выполняемых работ: Беседа на иностранном языке по вопросам, связанным со специальностью и научной работой (рассказ о своей специальности и научной работе + ответы на вопросы). 1 семестр Контрольный перевод

My best friend
My best friend

My best friend введение Today I would like to introduce to You two of my best friends. Actually, I have few friends and I do not like noisy companies . I am absolutely convinced that every person needs a true

Virtual reality
Virtual reality

 A Virtual Reality system can transport the user to exotic locations such as a beach in Hawaii or the inside of the human body.  At the moment it is necessary to put a large helmet on your head to see

German cuisine
German cuisine

MEAT DISHES(МЯСНЫЕ БЛЮДА) Particularly popular in Germany pork. The average German consumes per year 84 kg of meat.Germany is famous for its huge number of varieties of sausages. It is believed that Germany produces more than 1500 different types of sausages.

If + Present simple
If + Present simple

If I am late for school, my teacher gets angry. If I oversleep …

Ways To Combine Artistic and Scientific Thinking
Ways To Combine Artistic and Scientific Thinking

Brain as it is First way Bright way Magnificent way Brain as it is

The train leaves at
The train leaves at

The train leaves at… five past two next The train leaves at… five o’clock next

Happy Easter
Happy Easter

Look at the picture and choose the correct option Try Again Great Job! BASKET CHICK NEXT Try Again BIBLE Look at the picture and choose the correct option Try Again Great Job! BASKET LAMB NEXT Try Again BIBLE

Distance learning
Distance learning

in this presentation I will talk about distance education Technologies Modern distance education is based on the use of the following key elements: communication media (e-mail, TV, radio, information communication network) methods, depending on the technical environment information

Неопределенные местоимения
Неопределенные местоимения

Местоимение some имеет значение «какое-то количество, несколько» На русский язык часто не переводится. I bought some books Я купил книги Я купил несколько книг some some pencils несколько карандашей some water немного воды

Reported speech
Reported speech

Reported speech (statements) Mary says: “I enjoy reading”- Mary says (that) she enjoys reading Mary says: “My friend was in France last summer” – Mary says (that) her friend was in France the summer before Mary says: “I will become famous

I like skiing
I like skiing

Every year my family and I take part in ski-track of Russia. Finish is sometimes so exciting!

Republic of Ireland
Republic of Ireland

Ireland is an island of character…. Ireland is an island of character….

Past Simple Tense
Past Simple Tense

Remember! Простое прошедшее время (Past Simple Tense) обозначает действия, которые произошли в прошлом Remember ! Правильно

Глагол "Быть"

She ______ at school.. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. was were Verb "To Be" They ______ happy yesterday. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. was were

Why do we learn English? The Passive Voice
Why do we learn English? The Passive Voice

The aims of the lesson practice our conversational skills; practice using the Passive construction’ revise the material we’ve learnt lately; practice

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