The role of the Russian language in the world презентация

Слайд 1The role of the Russian language in the world/ Learn Russian!

Слайд 2Introduction
I’ve chosen this project, because I’d like to tell you about

one of the greatest languages of the world. It’s Russian language!

Слайд 3At the moment Russian language spread occupies the fourth place in

the world. It is second only to English, Chinese and Spanish languages, which occupy the first, second and third places respectively.
Also it is considered the most difficult language and the most widely spoken language in Europe — both geographically and by number of native speakers as a native.
Anything in the world, Russian is spoken by about 260 million people.

Слайд 4It plays a very important role in the world at the

Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation, one of the two state languages of Belarus, one of the official languages of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and some other countries, the main language of international communication in Central Eurasia, in Eastern Europe, in countries of the former Soviet Union, one of the six working languages of the UN, UNESCO and other international organizations.

Слайд 5I think that Russian language is being taught though, because:
Among languages

in which translated books, and Russian — on the 7th place;
Among the languages with which most translate, Russian is on the 4th place;
In 2013, the Russian language came in 2nd place among the most popular languages on the Internet.

Слайд 6Conclusion
The main source of development and power of the Russian language

is the desire to creativity of the Russian people, the centuries old traditions of men of science, art and politics of Russia and the creation of masterpieces of Russian literature and rich cultural heritage. All this made Russian the language of a highly developed and rich, full world language.

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