Summer riddles презентация

Слайд 1

Слайд 2
The flowers are blooming,
The sun is shining.
The rains are few,

sky is blue.

Слайд 3
I am asked to come,
I am waited for;
But I make you

When I knock at the door.

Слайд 4
I am purple, yellow, red, and green
The King cannot reach

me and neither can the Queen.
I show my colours after the rain
And only when the sun comes out again.

Слайд 5
What always runs
but never walks,
often murmurs never talks, has

a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

Слайд 6
Brightly shining down,
Shining on the ground.
What a lovely face

you have,
Yellow, big, and round.

Слайд 7
It makes trees shake.
It makes clouds run away.
It makes water frown.

makes flowers bow.

Слайд 8
The red arrow is flying
through the sky
No one can catch

Neither the king nor the queen,
Nor the man inside the flying machine.

Слайд 9
In the morning beads are sparkled in the grass
In the

afternoon we went to look for them
We are looking and looking for but there is nothing in the grass.

Слайд 10
What goes up when the rain comes down?

Слайд 11
The water is everywhere
You can’t drink it
Very salty it

is there.

Слайд 12
One sister and one brother live together.
One is seen but

not heard
Another is heard but not seen
Guess them, Mister Green!

Слайд 13
I'm under the bright hat
standing on one leg

play hide and seek.
When you want to pick me, my little Dominique!

Слайд 14
These birds fly above the sea
They catch fish with their

little beaks
I can’t have in my mind
If they laugh or maybe cry.

Слайд 15
There is a green house.
Inside the green house
there is

a white house.
Inside the white house
there is a red house.
Inside the red house
there are lots of black babies.

Слайд 16
It is blue and green, and red,
It bounces higher than my

It does not want to stop at all.
What is it? It is my…

Слайд 17
Four petals of one flower are wiggled in the rye.
I wanted

to pick up it
But it fluttered and flew
high in the sky.

Слайд 18
It is a swing and a bed
You can lie on it

It‘s in the garden or in the wood.
You can sleep in it and you are like in your childhood.

Слайд 19
The red beads are hanging down
From the bushes they are

looking at us around
Children, birds and bears love them when they are fallen down on the ground.

Слайд 20
As Round as a ball
As Red as a blood
As Sweet as

It melted very fast in my little mouth and it was very funny!

Слайд 21
Green and hairy
Hidden in the leaves
It doesn’t run very

fast with a lot of legs that has.

Слайд 22
A ball grew up near the road
On the green fragile

The wind blew up and has cut down its head.

Слайд 23
The thread on a stick,
The stick in a hand,

The thread in the river.
What’s got our little Shiver?

Слайд 24
Low and spiky
Sweet and juicy
When you pick it

All your hands are skinned, our little Susie.

Слайд 25
Round and ruddy I am
You can crunch me
I grow

on a branch.

Слайд 26
They aren’t engines
but they make noise
They aren’t birds
but they

They aren’t snakes
but they sting.

Слайд 27
It is not an animal
it is not a bird
Its nose

is like a knitting needle
When it flies it squeaks,
When it sits it is mute.

Слайд 28
The violinist lives in the meadow
He wears a suit and hops

without its boots.

Слайд 29
Golden sieve is full of
Black houses.

Слайд 30
When the weather is calm
You can’t see us
When the wind blows

run up on water.

Слайд 31
Don’t touch me
I can burn without fire!

Слайд 32
If you want you can dive into the water,
If you

want you can play on the sand
You can make a lot of sandcastles there
What’s this pitch?
It’s a ….

Слайд 33
When summer comes
this tree gives us snowflakes.

Слайд 34
This hard stone you can find on the beach.
Something lives in

it and
its owner is very proud of its little house.

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