2 klass kakogo cveta kuhnya презентация

Инструкция Переведи вопрос. Посмотри на картинку. Выбери один из подходящих ответов. Наведи курсор мыши на слово под картинкой и кликни один раз.

Слайд 1Цвета
МОАУ «Гимназия №1»
Никитина Е.Ю

Слайд 2Инструкция
Переведи вопрос.
Посмотри на картинку.
Выбери один из подходящих ответов.
Наведи курсор мыши на

под картинкой и кликни один раз.

начать тест

Слайд 3Вопрос №1 What colour is the kitchen?
The kitchen

is red.

The kitchen is grey

The kitchen is green

Слайд 4Вопрос №2 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is


The kitchen is grey

The kitchen is green

Слайд 5Вопрос №2 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is


The kitchen is grey

The kitchen is green

Слайд 6Вопрос №3 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is red.


kitchen is pink

The kitchen is purple

Слайд 7Вопрос №3 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is red.


kitchen is pink

The kitchen is purple

Слайд 8Вопрос №3 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is red.


kitchen is pink

The kitchen is purple

Слайд 9Вопрос №4 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is red.


kitchen is pink

The kitchen is purple

Слайд 10Вопрос №4 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is red.


kitchen is pink

The kitchen is purple

Слайд 11Вопрос №4 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is red.


kitchen is pink

The kitchen is purple

Слайд 12Вопрос №4 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is red.


kitchen is pink

The kitchen is purple

Слайд 13Вопрос №5 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 14Вопрос №5 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 15Вопрос №5 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 16Вопрос №5 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 17Вопрос №5 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 18Вопрос №6 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.


kitchen is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 19Вопрос №6 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.


kitchen is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 20Вопрос №6 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.


kitchen is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 21Вопрос №6 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.


kitchen is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 22Вопрос №6 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.


kitchen is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 23Вопрос №6 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is blue.


kitchen is green.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 24Вопрос №7 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is yellow.

The kitchen

is orange.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 25Вопрос №7 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is yellow.

The kitchen

is orange.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 26Вопрос №7 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is yellow.

The kitchen

is orange.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 27Вопрос №7 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is yellow.

The kitchen

is orange.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 28Вопрос №7 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is yellow.

The kitchen

is orange.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 29Вопрос №7 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is yellow.

The kitchen

is orange.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 30Вопрос №7 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is yellow.

The kitchen

is orange.

The kitchen is white.

Слайд 31Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 32Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 33Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 34Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 35Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 36Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 37Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 38Вопрос №8 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is green.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 39Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 40Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 41Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 42Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 43Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 44Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 45Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 46Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 47Вопрос №9 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is yellow.

Слайд 48Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 49Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 50Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 51Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 52Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 53Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 54Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 55Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 56Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 57Вопрос №10 What colour is the kitchen?

The kitchen is white.

The kitchen

is brown.

The kitchen is black.

Слайд 58Балл


Слайд 59Балл


Слайд 60Балл


Слайд 61Балл


Слайд 62Балл


Слайд 63Балл


Слайд 64Балл


Слайд 65Балл


Слайд 66Балл


Слайд 67Балл


Слайд 68Балл


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