“Let's stop killing creativity.” презентация

You're told from an early age if you work hard at school ... You're told from an early age if you work hard at school ...

Слайд 1

“Let's stop killing creativity.”

Слайд 2You're told from an early age if you work hard at

school ...

You're told from an early age if you work hard at school ...

Слайд 3...you'll be rewarded with a job.

Слайд 4There's no guarantee any more.

Слайд 5In 1870 the first 'free for all' education system was set

up based on Maths, Languages and Science...

How did we get here?

Слайд 6...to supply workers that met the demands of the Industrial Revolution.

...to supply workers that met the demands of the Industrial Revolution.

Слайд 7

Ford later created the Assembly line, paying twice the average wage.

Слайд 8
...and for a long time standardised production worked well...

Слайд 9
...in offices too.

Слайд 10But now we don't just need people with skills in academic


Слайд 11We also need creativity
We also need creativity

Слайд 12The GOOD NEWS: 98% of children aged 3-5 passed NASA creativity test


Source: Beth Jarman & Dr. George Land

Слайд 13The BAD NEWS? The same children were tested 10 years later. Only 12%

passed at GENIUS level this time.

Source: Beth Jarman & Dr. George Land

Слайд 14We are sucking the creativity out of our children

Слайд 15
Most parents and teachers will focus time on children's weaknesses

Source: Gallup

Слайд 16
Instead of helping them develop their strengths

Слайд 17Yes, we still need people that are brilliant at maths and


Слайд 18...but there are people just as brilliant that aren't academic.

Слайд 19Embrace and encourage diversity & curiosity

Слайд 20It's how Australia can stop industries collapsing...and create new ones
It's how

Australia can stop industries collapsing...and create new ones

Слайд 21If your business wants people who can come up with new

ideas and challenge the status quo...

Слайд 22

...first identify the strengths of
your team & embrace them.
(it's not

that as hard as you may think)

Слайд 23

“You don't have to be good at everything. Play to

your strengths.”

Слайд 24

“You don't have to be good at everything. Play to

your strengths.”

Слайд 25
Out Now.

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