The_Influence_of_the_Universe_on_Our_Life презентация

Useful Vocabulary Zodiac is the twelve astrological signs each named for a constellation. Constellation (Latin: con – together, stella – star) means “stars together“ – a defined patch of sky.

Слайд 1
The Influence of the Universe on Our Life
Performed by Moskaleva D.,

Maslova V. (gr. 211)

Слайд 2Useful Vocabulary
Zodiac is the twelve astrological signs each named for

a constellation.
Constellation (Latin: con – together, stella – star) means “stars together“ – a defined patch of sky.
Ecliptic is the imaginary path, as observed from Earth, that the Sun follows across the backdrop of fixed stars over the course of the year.

Слайд 3Zodiac Signs

Слайд 4Water signs
(exceptionally emotional and ultra-sensitive)
Fire signs
(passionate, dynamic, and temperamental)

(“grounded”, bring us down to Earth)
Air signs
(rational, social)

Слайд 5Pseudo-Science
Astrology is the study of the correlation between the astronomical positions

of the planets and events on earth. Astrologers believe that the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets at the time of a person’s birth have a direct influence on that person’s character.

Слайд 6Let’s discuss!
Do you think that planets really have an influence on

our lives?
Is our fate predicted by Universe or we can change it?

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