The Value of Tribal Knowledge and Strategies to Increase Adoption презентация


The world has become a giant network

Слайд 1The Value of Tribal Knowledge and Strategies to Increase Adoption

Слайд 2
The world has become a giant network

Слайд 3

Faster responses
Better experiences
Your customers expect more.

Слайд 4

Yet, we continue to work like we always have

Слайд 6Today I Learned
Assess my organization’s social maturity
Effectively Work Out Loud
Enable business

value without being disruptive

Слайд 7My name is… Challenging the status quo
Kanwal Khipple
Founder, Principal Consultant
Creative Lead

World’s 1st Office 365 based intranet and award winner (Nielson Norman 2014).

Jen Burke
Project & Process Development Manager
The Travel Corporation

Слайд 8You’ll love the way we work. Together.
User Experience
Business Strategy
Technology Architecture

Слайд 9Share is the new save

Слайд 10Social Maturity
Crawl. Walk. Run.

Слайд 11

Evolution of Social Mediums

Voice & Video
Social Networking
1 to Many

Слайд 13

Work like a network?
Awareness and embracing a new approach
Social doesn’t equal

Open doesn’t equal insecure
Publish then perfect
Authoritative content is not the only kind that offers value

Слайд 14Don’t over think social

Слайд 15Diffusion of “Social” Innovations

Слайд 16Maturity Model

Слайд 17How does your organization rank?

Слайд 18The point is to extract learning FROM work, not impose more


Слайд 19Adoption Model

Baseline - define where you are currently and objectives for

Plan a Pilot - prioritize social capabilities and define training, pilot and standards
Training & Piloting - introduce non-disruptive social capabilities with greatest potential value
Launch and Drive Success – communicate effectively on purpose and value
Adapt and Iterate - collect metrics, tweak processes as required and integrate into how you operate

Слайд 20
Employee Connectedness
Culture Initiatives
Sharing Industry Articles & News
Replace Meetings
Team & Department FAQ

Employee Recognition

Streamlining Any Business-Related Function or Task
Co-Authoring Content
Sharing Best Practices

Слайд 21If what you’re doing isn’t worth sharing, then why are you

doing it?

Слайд 22“Social Enterprise is implemented 80% through organization culture and 20% through


- Gartner, September 2012

Transforming Culture + Deploying Technology

Слайд 23Work Out Loud

Слайд 24Social communities leverage an increasingly expensive asset – people – by

allowing them to work out loud, connect with more people, establish trust, and find relevant information and solutions more quickly.

Rachel Happe

Слайд 25Which Communities, When?

Слайд 26When to Work Out Loud

Слайд 27Be your Organization’s Intraprenuer

Слайд 28Yammer & The Travel Corporation
Case Study

Слайд 29Introducing… Sharing our story
Jen Burke
Project & Process Development Manager
The Travel Corporation

Слайд 30Who We Are
3025 Yammer Users
25+ companies globally
600+ Yammer Groups
The Travel Corporation

Слайд 31Why Yammer?
One application for global communications.
Best solution to build our social

business & improve business agility.
Quick to implement.

Слайд 32Adoption Plan
Used Yammer’s ‘Quick Launch’ plan.
Executive and HR buy in.
Yambassadors Team

in every office.
Made it easy to reach for help.
Made it fun!

Слайд 33Our Journey So far?
Gave us the business agility & social business

we needed.
Has become imbedded into business.
Continuous quarterly health checks.
Helped with our company culture.
Part of our normal work life.

Слайд 34Enable Business Value
GO where the community is.

Слайд 36

Move from Command and Control to Network: Open, Fluid, Fast

Слайд 37
Work like a network.

Слайд 38Come For The Content, Stay For The Community

Слайд 39
Inside Communication, 2012

Слайд 40Deciding Factor for ESN?

Слайд 41Impact of ESN?

Слайд 42Ways to Drive Business Value
Encourage Sharing
Capture Knowledge
Lunch and Learns
Praise an employee

Empower Employees
Post an idea and ask for feedback
Start a group

Слайд 43If everyone in the team narrated their work openly, we wouldn’t

need any meetings to assess project status and we would gain a lot of time.

Jerden Sangers

Слайд 44Today I Learned
Where my company is in their social maturity
How to

effectively Work Out Loud
Can I enable business value without being disruptive

Слайд 45Got Yammer! Now what?
Week 1 – motivate and engage the existing

Week 2 – recruit and engage new employees
Week 3 – showcase the organization, network and people
Week 4 – discuss what matters

Слайд 46Yammer Feature Cheat Sheet

Слайд 47Cultivate relationships
As in any good relationship, your followers require care and

attention. Follow the five-step adoption model in this presentation to deliver high-quality content that addresses member needs and you‘ll not only grow your community, but also forge bonds and foster honest conversations with potential customers.

Thanks for listening, and happy posting!

Слайд 48Thank You

Kanwal Khipple

Слайд 49Complete the feedback form to win prizes
Conference Pass
Training Voucher

Слайд 50Connect. Collaborate. Share.
Toronto SharePoint Users Group
Toronto SharePoint Business Users Group

SharePoint Saturday


Слайд 51Thanks to our sponsors!

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