The Nomad Way презентация


Слайд 1The Nomad Way
Our Culture Code


Слайд 370% of startups prematurely scale.
93% of those never reach $100k

in monthly revenue.

100% never reach 100k users.

Слайд 4...but it’s important that they focus their time and energy on

growing their business.

Entrepreneurs have a lot going on and we believe they can do it all…

Слайд 5That’s why we created Nomad.

Слайд 6Entrepreneurs focus on their business.

We focus on their math.


Слайд 8Helping entrepreneurs succeed by removing the financial friction of starting and

running a company.

Слайд 9Our team is made up of people with startups in their


…And we understand first-hand the struggles faced by entrepreneurs in growing their business.

Слайд 10By providing bookkeeping and CFO services, we’re able to remove pain

points, reduce risk and create opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Слайд 11Entrepreneurs reflexively turn to us for assistance.

Слайд 12For how we do it, and why we love it.

Nomad Philosophies

Слайд 13Our Philosophies
1. Entrepreneurs are the bedrock for economic growth.
Be the

cornerstone of every community.
Only do it if we can do it great.
Do right by our clients, partners, and team.
Only work with people we like.
Hire with a purpose.
We live our passion daily.
We’re an ego-less organization.
We’re always looking for new solutions.
Efficiency is our life blood.

Слайд 14Entrepreneurs are the bedrock for economic growth.

Слайд 15We feed off their PASSION and help them stay FOCUSED.

Слайд 16-Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder

All humans are entrepreneurs not because they should

start companies, but because the will to create is encoded in human DNA.

Hector Meza, CFO Consultant

Слайд 17Startup is in our DNA…
… and creating for our clients is

what we do.

Слайд 18Be the cornerstone of every community.

Слайд 19-Martin Luther King Jr., Activist and Humanitarian

Life’s most persistent and urgent

question is:
‘what are we doing for others?’

Mark Peter Davis, Co-Founder

Слайд 20We look to ENGAGE and form partnerships with communities.
We educate on

how proper finances can help grow businesses through presentations, open office hours, and continuing education.

Слайд 21Our partners matter…
…and we share the same dreams & purpose

they do.

Слайд 22Only do it, if we can do it great.

Слайд 23
-Steven Covey, Author, Educator and Speaker
Start with the end


Mia Merrill, Director of Talent

Слайд 24We avoid saying yes to clients unless we can deliver

impeccable product and service.

Слайд 25And we’re always willing to
teach our clients how to do things

the right way.

Слайд 26-James Penney, J.C. Penney founder

Growth is never by mere chance; it

is the result of forces working together.

Favion Stennett, Jr. Controller

Слайд 27With DIRECT and HONEST communication,
Achieving growth through client support:
that serves

as a true feedback loop.

Слайд 28Do right by our clients, partners, and team

Слайд 29-Brian Chesky, Airbnb founder
Katya Bronnikova, Manager Bookkeeping Group

Build something 100 people

love, not something 1 million people kind of like.

Слайд 30Do right by our:
They trust us and it’s our job

to deliver.

Слайд 31
There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire

anybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.

-Sam Walton, Entrepreneur

Jeremy Banon, Chief of Staff

Слайд 32We’re not scared of
clients outgrowing us…
...that’s a WIN for everyone.

Слайд 33-Reid Hoffman, Linkedin co-founder
Julia Cuminotto, Head of Bookkeeping Operations

No matter how

brilliant your mind or strategy, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.

Слайд 34Do right by our:
They support us and we should do

the same.

Слайд 35-Howard Shultz, Starbuck founder

We have no patents on anything we do

and anything we do can be copied by anyone else. But you can’t copy the head and the soul and the consciences of the company.

Andrew Klein, Strategy and Development

Слайд 36Do right by our:
They work hard for us and make

it all possible.

Слайд 37Only work with people we like


Слайд 38-Ryan Freitas, co-founder

Your reputation is more important than your

paycheck, and your integrity is worth more than your career.

Bronson Lingamfelter, CFO Consultant

Слайд 39Clients, Employees, Partners or Service Providers its …
... to us that

we surround ourselves with the right people.


Слайд 40Hire with purpose.


Слайд 41-Jonathan Gass, Nomad Financial Founder & CEO

I want to be

the worst person at everyone else’s job.

Слайд 42We want people with the
knowledge and intellectual curiosity to truly

our business.

Слайд 43-Mark Peter Davis, Nomad Financial Co-Founder

Say what you’re going to do

and do what you’re going to say.

Слайд 44Questions we ask when we hire…

Слайд 45Does this person fit the team and task?

Слайд 46Will you admire this person?

Слайд 47How can WE make this person a star? – make them


Слайд 48We live our passion daily.

Слайд 49-Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder
Rosey Rosenkranz, Director of Community

Your time is

limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

Слайд 50We want our team to be passionate about their roles.

Слайд 51-Benjamin Franklin, United State Founding Father

We must all hang together or

most assuredly we shall hang separately.

Слайд 52Most importantly we want them to feel as though they are

working with their friends.

Слайд 53We’re an ego-less organization.

Слайд 54-Vince Lombardi, NFL Legend

Individual commitment to a group effort – that

is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

Owen Symington, Bookkeeper

Слайд 55EVERYONE’S input is

critical to OUR success.

Слайд 56-George S. Patton, U.S. Army General

Never tell people how to do

things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

Jonathan Gass, Founder and CEO

Слайд 58
-John Wooden, NCAA Basketball Legend
It is amazing how much can

be accomplished if no one cares who gets the credit.

Слайд 59We empower our team to make INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS
that benefit both

our clients and Nomad.

We believe EMPOWERMENT leads to ingenuity.

Слайд 60-Conrad Hilton, Hilton Hotels founder
Deep Gujral
Deep Gujral, Strategy and Development

Success seems

to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they
don’t quit.

Слайд 61We’re always looking for new solutions.

Слайд 62-Larry Ellison, Oracle co-founder

See things in the present, even if

they are in the future.

Deep Gujral

Deepen Parikh, Co-Founder

Слайд 63We promote intellectual curiosity

and believe it’s the start to finding new


Слайд 64Efficiency is our life lifeblood.

Слайд 65-Mark Twain, American Author
How we view complexity:

 “The secret of getting ahead

is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”  

Слайд 66We don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

Instead we push ourselves,

by using the best in class tools available.

Слайд 67Our goal is to maximize EFFICIENCY, by minimizing complexity.
EFFICIENCY means money

for our clients.

Слайд 68Contact us:

Слайд 69Thanks to the Following
Photo 1 – PhotoSteve
Photo 2 – Bjorn Simon

3 - Adam Przewoski
Photo 4 – Craig Garner
Photo 5 – Leroy Community Chapel
Photo 6 – Sylwia Bartyzel
Photo 7 – Sylwia Bartyzel
Photo 8 – Gowrisankar S
Photo 9 - Alejandro Escamilla
Photo 10 – Alejandro Escamilla
Photo 11 – Keith Misner
Photo 12 - Sascha Kohlmann
Photo 13 – Tandito
Photo 14 – Jorg Dickman
Photo 15 – Thomas Leuthard
Photo 16 – Jonathan Velasquez
Photo 17 – Waag Society
Photo 18 -
Photo 19 - Financial Times

For INSPIRING us as we continue on our journey.

Whose IMAGES moved us.

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