The Lame Horse Fire презентация

The Lame Horse fire occurred on December 5, 2009, around 1 a.m. local time at 9 Kuybyshev Street, Perm. Approximately (около) 300 people were in the club “Lame Horse” when the fire began. Ignition

Слайд 1The Lame Horse Fire

Слайд 2The Lame Horse fire occurred on December 5, 2009, around 1 a.m. local

time at 9 Kuybyshev Street, Perm. Approximately (около) 300 people were in the club “Lame Horse” when the fire began. Ignition occurred when a performance artist (участник шоу) threw cold-flame pyrotechnics into the air. Sparks (искры) from the fireworks (фейерверк) hit the plastic covering of the ceiling (потолок), igniting it.

Слайд 3The vast intake (сильное поглощение) of oxygen turned the club's hall

into a large fire tube and boosted (усилило) the spread of fire.

Слайд 4A club visitor's report about emergency service activity: After I had

got out, there were no firemen or emergency service for about twenty minutes — nobody at all. There were only two ambulances altogether. They managed to take six or seven men and left. No more ambulance cars arrived, at least I saw none.

Слайд 5More than 150 people died. According to initial reports, up to

160 more were injured in the fire; however many of the wounded (раненые) lost their lives in the following days in hospitals. An emergency services spokesman stated most victims died from smoke inhalation (вдыхание дыма) and/or carbon monoxide poisoning (отравление угарным газом).

Слайд 6The fire was the deadliest in Russia since the fall of the

Soviet Union in 1991.  In conclusion I want to show you, how the hell looks like. This video has been taken on the video registrator by one of the eyewitnesses during the fire in Chita 13.04.2015. So, pay more attention about the place you are going to visit, pay more attention about things that can cause the fire. And be more careful.

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