The homology groups of a partial monoid action category презентация


Partial monoid action on a set Denote by PSet the category of sets and partial maps Let M be a monoid and let S be a set. Partial right action of

Слайд 1The homology groups of a partial monoid action category
Ahmet A. Husainov

Слайд 2Partial monoid action on a set
Denote by PSet the category of

sets and partial maps
Let M be a monoid and let S be a set.
Partial right action of M on S is a homomorphism of monoids Mop → PSet(S,S)
Example 1.
M=N2 ={apbq : p, q=0, 1, 2, …},
S= {s0, s1, s2, s3, s4}
s0a=s1, s0b=s2
s1a=s4, s1b=s3

Слайд 3A category for a monoid partial action
The category K(S) of partial

actions has objects s∈S. Morphisms s1→s2 are triples (s1, μ, s2). Composition is defined by
(s2, μ2, s3) (s1, μ1, s2)= (s1, μ1 μ2, s3).
In Example 1,
K(S) is a partially ordered
set with

Слайд 4Trace monoids
Let E be a set and let I ⊆ E×E

be an irrefexive symmetric relation (of independence)

Free partially commutative monoid (or trace monoid) M(E,I) is a quotient monoid E*/(≡) where E* is a monoid of all words in alphabet E and (≡) is smallest equivalence relation for which
uabv ≡ ubav, for all (a,b)∈I, u∈ E*, v∈ E*

Trace monoid M(E,I) is called to be locally finite dimensional if E does not contain infinite subsets of pairwise independent elements

Слайд 5Examples of trace monoids
E ={a,b}, I ={(a,b),(b,a)},
M(E,I) ≅ N2 is

a free commutative monoid

E ={a,b}, I = ∅,
M(E,I) ≅ {a,b}* is a free monoid

Слайд 6Interpretation of traces
Any trace w ∈ M(E,I) can be interpreted as

a finite sequence of actions
a1 a2 … an
Transposing neighboring pairs of independent elements, it can be reduced to Foata normal form
[b1b2 …bp] [bp+1… bq]… [br+1… bn]
(actions bounded square brackets are performed concurrently)

Слайд 7Classifying space
Let C be a small category.
Its classifying space BC

can be constructed by gluing cells. We assign to each object c∈ObC
the point. Assign
to each morphism c0→с1
the segment, to each
pair c0→с1 →с2
the triangle and etc.

Слайд 8Purpose of the report
The studying Baues-Wirsching homology groups of the category

K(S) for a monoid partial action on a set S.
Application of the Baues-Wirsching homology for building the algorithms for computing the homology groups of the space B(K (S)) and directed homology groups for a partial trace monoid action.

Слайд 9Homology of categories
Let C be a small category and let
colimC: AbC

→Ab be the colimit fuctor. For any functor F: C →Ab considered as an object in AbC , there exists a projective resolution
0 ←F ← P0 ← P1 ← … ← Pn ← Pn+1 ← …
and a complex С* of Abelian groups
0 ← colimC P0 ← colimC P1 ← …
…← colimC Pn ← colimC Pn+1 ← …
The groups Hn(C,F)≅Hn(С*), n≥0, are called
homology groups of the category C
with coefficients in F.

Слайд 10Category of factorizations
Let C be a small category. Objects of a

factorization category Fact(C) are all morphisms of C. Morphisms
in Fact(C) are given by commutative diagrams

Example 2. Let M be a monoid considered as the category. Then Ob(Fact (M) )= M. Its morphisms from α to β are pairs (f,g) of f, g ∈ M for which gαf=β.
Proposition 1. Fact(C)≅Fact(Cop)

Слайд 11Baues-Wirsching homology
Let C be a small category.

For any functor F:

Hn(Fact(C)op,F) are called Baues-Wirsching homology groups of C with coefficients in contravariant natural systems F on C.

If C=M is a monoid, then Hn(Fact(M)op,F) are Leech homology groups of a diagram F

Слайд 12Baues-Wirsching homology
Let S be a set with partial action of

a monoid M.
Let K(S) be the action category with morphisms
Consider a functor F: Fact(K(S))op →Ab and the functor
U: K(S) →Mop defined as U(s1,μ,s2)= μ.
Theorem. Hn(Fact(K(S))op,F)≅ Hn(Fact(M)op,L(F))
Here L(F) is a left Kan extension of the functor F along the functor
determined by the functor U.

Слайд 13Homology of classifying space for the action category
Let M(E,I) be a

trace monoid.
For n= 0, 1, 2, … , introduce sets
Tn(E,I)={(a1,…, an)| ai for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}
In particular, T0(E,I)={1}.
For an arbitrary set S, denote by LS a free Abelian group generated by S.

Слайд 14Homology of the classifying space for the action category
A polygon S

over M(E,I) is a set with a partial action of a trace monoid.
Corollary 1. Let S be a polygon over a locally finite dimensional trace monoid M(E,I). Groups Hn(B(K(S))) isomorphic to homology groups of complex

Here sμ ∈S denotes that sμ is defined.

Слайд 15Computing the homology groups
Let k be a field and let
be a

complex of vector spaces. Then
Hn=Ker dn / Im dn+1 = kdimCn-r(dn)-r(dn+1) where r(A) is denoted the rank of matrix A
Proposition 2. Let A be a matrix with integer entries. Then there are matrixes S, T, D, for which
A= T°D°S 2) |det S|=|det T|=1
3) D is a diagonal matrix
with δ1 | δ2 | … | δr

D is Smith normal form of A

If k=Z is a ring of integers, then the homology groups can be computing by the Smith normal form:
Hn=Ker dn / Im dn+1 = ZdimCn-r(dn)-r(dn+1)×Z/δ1Z×…× Z/ δr Z , r=r(dn+1)

Слайд 16Example for Corollary 1
Example 3.

C0=L{s0,s1}, C1=L{(s0,a), (s0,b), (s1,a)},

We obtain H0=Z2-1=Z,

H1=Z3-1-1 = Z

Слайд 17Directed homology groups
Let Δ0Z: K(S)→Ab and Δ1Z: K(S)op→Ab be functors with

values Z (group of integers) on objects s and defined at morphisms as

Groups Hn0(S,M(E,I)) =def Hn(K(S), Δ0Z)
and Hn1(S,M(E,I)) =опр Hn(K(S)op, Δ1Z) are called
directed homology groups.

Слайд 18Directed homology groups
Corollary 2. In the conditions of Corollary 1 the

groups Hn0(S,M(E,I)) are isomorphic to homology groups of the complex consisting of the same Abelian groups but has the following differentials

Hn1(S,M(E,I)) can be computed by a similar complex with differentials

Слайд 19Example of computing the directed homology groups
Example 4.
Groups H00 and

C0=L{s0,s1,s2 }, C1=L{(s0,a), (s0,b)},

We obtain H00=Z3-1=Z2, H10=Z2-1 = Z .

Слайд 20Example of computing the directed homology groups
Groups H01 and H11

C0=L{s0,s1,s2 },

C1=L{(s0,a), (s0,b)},

Obtain H00=Z3-2=Z, H10=Z2-2 = 0.

Слайд 21Interpretation of homology groups H00 and H01
An element s∈S is initial

if the action category does not has morphisms with codomain s. It is final if there are not morphisms with domain s.
Groups H00(S,M(E,I)) and H01 (S,M(E,I)) are free. Initial elements generated
H01 (S,M(E,I)), final elements generated H00 (S,M(E,I))
In Figure: rk H01 (S,M(E,I))=1
rk H00 (S,M(E,I))=2

Слайд 22Local homology
Consider decompositions

where is a functor defined as

Similarly defined the functor .
We obtain decomposition the directed homology groups. Local homology groups of the category for the partial trace monoid action M(E,I) on S are defined as

Слайд 23Computing the local homology groups
Differentials are defined as
Proposition 3. Let

S be a polygon over M(E,I). For s∈S, the groups
can be computed by the following complex

Слайд 24Computing the local homology groups Hn0
Corollary 3.

Let S

be a polygon over M(E,I). For s∈S, we consider a simplicial scheme ∇(s) with the set of vertexes ∇0(S,E,I.s)= {a0∈E | sa0∈S}.
Its sets of n-simplexes equal

Recall that

Слайд 25Example 5.
number of the final elements = 2

Example of

computing the groups Hn0

Слайд 26Computing the local homology groups Hn1
Differentials are defined as
Proposition 4.

Let S be a polygon over M(E,I). For s∈S, the groups can be computed by the following complex

Слайд 27Computing the local groups Hn1
number of initial elements = 1

Example 6.

Слайд 28Connection with bisimulation equivalence
Corollary 4. For s∈S, consider the complex

Let S be a polygon over M(E,I). For s∈S, we can remove the condition e1<…

There are isomorphisms

Слайд 29Connection with bisimulation equivalence
Proposition 5. A morphism of polygons with labels

is open if and only if the corresponding morphism of asynchronous systems is PomΛ -open.

Let S be a polygon over M(E,I). Label function λ: E→Λ is a map such that
(a1,a2)∈I ⇒ λ (a1)≠ λ (a2 ).
Let A=(S,M(E,I),s0 , Λ, λ) be a polygon over M(E,I) with a label function. An element
s∈S is reachable if (∃μ∈M(E,I)) s= s0 μ . Let S(s0 ) the set of reachable s.
Definition. A morphism of polygons with label functions A→A’ is open, if it is given by
a pair of (total) maps σ: S→S’, η: E→E’ , satisfying the following conditions
σ(s0)= s’0 ,
η save labels, i.e. λ’ °η = λ.
(e1,e2)∈I ⇒ (η(e1),η (e2) ∈I’
if s is reachable, then η: {s | se ∈S} → {e’ | σ(s)e’ ∈S’} surjective
if s is reachable, then η: {(e1,e2)∈I | se1e2 ∈S} → {(e’1,e’2)∈I’ | σ (s)e’1e’2 ∈S’} is surjective

Слайд 30Connection with bisimulation equivalence
Theorem. If pointed polygons A and A’ with

label functions λ: E→Λ and λ’: E’→Λ are bisimulation equivalent, then ∀s∈S(s0) ∃ s’∈S’(s0’) and ∀s’∈S(s0’) ∃ s∈S(s0) for which

Pointed polygons A1 and A2 with labels in Λ are bisimulation equivalent if there is a pointed polygon A and open morphisms A1 ← A → A2.
Consider the following complex LΛ:

Label function gives the chain morphism

Слайд 31Example of trace equivalent asynchronous systems which are not bisimulation equivalent

Λ ={a, b, c}
E={a1, a2 ,b, c}, E’={a ,b, c}
λ(a1)= λ(a2)= a λ’(a)= a
λ(b)=b λ’(b)=b
λ(c)=c λ’(c)=c

Trace ab and ac.

Слайд 32Perspectives
Studying the homotopical colimits of diagrams on the categories of partial

Applications of the homology groups for the studying the topology of state spaces of concurrent systems

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