Tale about the analysis of the production презентация

The production as some function of the level of output depending on one variable input factor in the production while maintaining all other inputs constant Goal: to understand the productivity of

Слайд 1Tale about the analysis of the production

Слайд 2The production as some function of the level of output depending

on one variable input factor in the production while maintaining all other inputs constant

Goal: to understand the productivity of factors of production and its influence on the production function

Consider a production system with two variable inputsпроизводства

Слайд 3Production function with two variable inputs:

Слайд 4
The number of units of output as a function of combinations

of variable inputs - capital and labor

The number of units of labour

The number of units of capital

Слайд 5The surface of production

Слайд 8The main characteristics of the isoquants are the same as those

of indifference curves: the number is infinite, continuous

MRTSxy = - ∆Y / ∆X

Input factor
of production X (labour)

Input factor
of production Y(capital)


The slope of the curve determines the marginal rate of technical substitution

Слайд 9Economic decisions formed by isoquant curves
Option A
Option B
Quantity of labour
Quantity of


Amount of capital

Amount of capital

Слайд 10The rule of minimum cost

Слайд 11The quantity of marginal product
The price of inputs
The minimum cost rule

or the rule of employment at the lowest possible cost

Слайд 12 А => С: ∆С * МРс = ∆L * MPL

devide both parts by(-∆L * МРс) :
- ∆С /∆L = - MPL / МРс

- ∆С /∆L = MRTS LC => MRTS LC = - MPL / МРс

=> The slope of the isoquant indicates not only the rate of technical substitution of labor and capital, but also the ratio of the marginal product of labor and marginal product of capital

Input factor
of production X (labour)

Input factor
of production Y(capital)

Слайд 13Isocosts shows the combination of required factors purchased using a predetermined

amount of money

TC = L * PL + C * PC

The slope of isocost:
∆С / ∆ L = (- TC / Pc) : (TC / PL) = ( - TC / Pc)* (PL/TC) = - PL / Pc

Isocost is always a tangent to some isoquant: =>
the balance point (the slopes of the isoquant and isocost is equal):
- MPL / МРс = - PL / Pc => MPL / PL = МРс / Pc

The resulting equation for The minimum cost rule

Input factor
of production X (labour)

Input factor
of production Y(capital)

Слайд 14The minimum cost rule or the rule of employment at the

lowest possible cost

If the price of any input factor of production is increased, then the holder of a specific production should reduce the use of this factor (marginal product will increase), and use large quantities of other factors (their marginal product will decrease) as long as the ratio MP/P will be equal

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